Success...each life...each day...each hour College Station Independent School District
College Station
Independent School District
Workshop Minutes
October 21, 2014 5:00
Conference Room
President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Six members were present – President Valerie Jochen, Vice-President Paul Dorsett, Trustees Michael Wesson, Quinn Williams, Carol Barrett and Kimberly McAdams. Secretary Jeff Harris was not in attendance.
1. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to TASB Update 100
The Board was made aware of one change in local policy DCB (LOCAL) prior to tonight’s meeting. There were no questions from the Board.
2. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to recent Board training at the TASA/TASB Conference
Due to this being the first time for the Board to gather since the TASA/TASB convention, an opportunity for feedback was made available. Trustee Quinn Williams stated that the technology session was fantastic and he feels he learned a lot. Trustee Michael Wesson said he felt better informed than others in attendance as a result of the information given to them by the administration of CSISD. Trustee Kimberly McAdams went to the Clear Creek Session and stated it was nice to come home and find we were doing similar things as well. Trustee McAdams also stated that the Commissioner’s session had lots of people asking some very pointed questions. Trustee Carol Barrett said there were some negative sessions and some positive sessions. It is a struggle to go to the negative ones. However she did attend several positive sessions. Trustee Barrett stated it was nice to learn that we are not failing as public schools. The session highlighted the positives of public school performance and how Board members can be more proactive in their communications with the public. Vice-President Paul Dorsett attended the Legislative session and was disheartened to think the work consortium has done will not come to fruition.
3. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Leadership CSISD
Kelly Kovacs Director for Instruction and Leadership Development presented the idea for a parent/community group to come together to get a behind the scenes look at how CSISD works. Mrs. Kovacs highlighted how we plan for the group of approximately twenty five participants to look at what drives CSISD and why we make the decisions we do. Mrs. Kovacs then gave the Board members a copy of the application along with a list of the topics to be discussed. College Station ISD would like to start sharing this information with the community very soon. The Board was very receptive to the idea.
4. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to a 2013 Bond Update
Jon Hall, Executive Director for Facilities reviewed our current progress with the 2013 bond expenditures and what items are still to come.
5. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to 2015 CSISD legislative priorities
Superintendent Clark Ealy reviewed a draft of some possible items to discuss with the Legislature regarding our focuses are for the upcoming session. Some of these items include: school funding and hold harmless, TRS contribution, TRS Active Care system contribution increase, Transportation Allotment adjustment, Instructional Materials Allotment, accountability and assessment, adjust fifty cent debt ceiling, and restore the Instructional Facilities Allotment. We will have numerous opportunities to visit with our elected representatives beginning in late fall. The Board went into recess at 6:16 p.m. and will return after Executive Session to continue with Workshop Item number 6.
6. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to CSISD enrollment growth
The Board reconvened at 9:08 p.m. to continue the Board Workshop. Superintendent Ealy led the Board through the enrollment numbers for the past few years. Dr. Ealy then reviewed the Harner and Associates projections, along with cohort survival over the last six years. We are currently over the Harner “high” projections numbers at every level but intermediate. At intermediate, we are within 14 students of the high projection. The functional capacity at Oakwood Intermediate is 980. The functional capacity at A&M Consolidated Middle School is 1000. The enrollment split at the intermediate is 49% and 51%. If we continue to grow at the current rate we will surpass the functional capacity at Oakwood Intermediate in 2016. Dr. Ealy then reviewed the core capacities at all intermediate and middle schools specifically looking at cafeteria, gym and restroom space. Based on our current data, it may be prudent to look at our timeline of a bond in 2016 and consider the need for a bond in 2015. The City of College Station is expected to go out for a bond in 2015. We will continue to study and monitor the enrollment growth. At the next Board Workshop, we will look at the tax rate and M&O. President Valerie Jochen stated that we need to take into account the timing in regard to the possible City of College Station bond. What will allow us to focus on schools and not get diluted with just lots of money being spent? Trustee Carol Barrett said we need to be aware of the jobs being created here that will bring families. Those kids have to go somewhere. She is already hearing from parents asking what we are going to do. It is expected that portable buildings will be moved in at Oakwood and AMCMS for next school year. We also need to discuss pick up and drop off congestion as well. In order to have an intermediate on the ground by 2018, we would need to have the design done prior to the bond election. If we decide we need an intermediate by 2017, we would have to go for November 2015 bond. College Station is a great place to live. The City is growing and the District is growing. Please be thinking about this over the next few weeks as we work on how to react to our growth. Vice-President Paul Dorsett asked the administration to be working on how it would look if we wait. President Jochen cautioned all to make sure we focus on what is important and make sure we maintain the whole quality of the education we provide for our students. Superintendent Ealy wants to make sure we are smart about how we address our growth.
Without objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to go into executive session in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code to discuss any item (s) it is authorized to discuss in executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Any necessary Board action related to such item(s) will be taken in open session following executive session.
President Secretary