November 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.

Administrative Conference Room



President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with six members present.



In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Vice President Valerie Jochen, Secretary Paul Dorsett, and Trustees Charlotte Slack, Jeff Harris, and Garland Watson.  Trustee Carol Barrett arrived at 4:07 p.m. and left at 5:35 p.m.  President Randall Pitcock left the meeting at 5:44 p.m.



C-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to a charter for the CSISD Legislative ad hoc committee

President Pitcock and Superintendent Eddie Coulson led discussion related to a charter for the CSISD Ad Hoc State Legislative Committee.  The committee is chaired by President Randall Pitcock and he serves with Trustee Charlotte Slack and Secretary Paul Dorsett as provided for according to DBD (Local) that was adopted by the board in September 2010. 


According to BDB (Local), the board may establish ad hoc committees of the board as needed.  The board shall approve a charter for each committee that includes the purpose, the responsibilities, and the expected time period during which the committee will function.  No more than three board members may serve on a committee.  The board president shall appoint the committee and designate a chair, and a committee quorum shall be two board members.


The proposed charter for the CSISD Ad Hoc State Legislative Committee is:  An ad hoc legislative committee will support the board’s desire for a strong relationship with our house and senate legislators to keep the informed about our needs and how bills impact the College Station Independent School District.  The committee will: 1) create legislative initiatives for the board’s consideration, 2) arrange meetings with both legislators in the fall of 2010 to discuss the initiatives, 3) stay informed about bills and communicate, in conjunction with the superintendent, with our legislators about the anticipated impact on our district, 4) provide regular updates to the board via transmittals, board workshop and board meetings and 5) make every effort to participate in the Chamber of Commerce’s Capitol visit.  The committee will end its responsibilities at the end of the final legislative session.   


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of a charter for the CSISD Legislative ad hoc committee as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion carried with seven ayes and zero nays.


C-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to a management oversight workshop for CSISD Human Resources

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker who reported to the Trustees related to the Management Oversight of Human Resources.  The areas of focus are: System Description, System Integrity and System Metrics.  “College Station ISD should seek and develop faculty and staff that are capable of meeting the wide array of instructional needs of an increasingly diverse student population” is the CSISD Belief Statement.  Board Priority #3 is “Maximize resources in order to create highly successful students.” 


Campus staffs as well as non-campus staff comprise the system description.  CSISD provides professional staff, paraprofessional staff, and auxiliary staff to assist with student success.  The hiring process was reviewed.  Background checks were discussed. 
Teachers must meet Texas Education Code requirements for all courses taught and must renew their certificate every five years.  They must also meet No Child Left Behind requirements for all courses taught and CSISD’s annual reporting requirement is 100%.  Contracts and benefits were discussed.  Substitute employee processes were reviewed as well as the teacher evaluation process.


System Integrity is protected at three levels:  Federal, State and Local.  CSISD answers to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Immigration and Nationalization Service, Internal Revenue Service and Department of Homeland Security.  At the state level, CSISD answers to Texas Education Agency, Federal Program Audit by state agency for Head Start, Early Head Start, and Title programs I, II, and III, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Teacher Retirement System.  At the local level, the system integrity is protected by district audit firm; internal checks and balances include security awareness, locked file cabinets in locked room, identity protections, file storage and destruction, and cross training for redundancy.


Performance metrics include recruiting job fair contacts, highly qualified status of teachers, the teacher turnover rate is low with the average years of teaching in CSISD for a teacher is seven years.


Future measures for CSISD Human Resources are:  worker’s compensation claims, employee absentee rat4es, positive remediation actions, increase training hours for staff, measure corrective actions required, more contacts with minority teacher candidates, and customer surveys.



Without objection, Vice President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 5:51 p.m.






RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT

PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY