January 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

CSISD Board Room 



President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with seven members present.



In attendance were President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris and Trustees Kimberly McAdams, Carol Barrett, Garland Watson and Randall Pitcock.



C-1.  Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Timber Academy students Eron Guevara, Antrinese Pratt, Kara McIver, and Staci Morales.  The students led the audience in the pledges and the moment of silence.


C-2.  Board

January is “School Board Appreciation” month.  To honor CSISD’s trustees – President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris, Trustee Randall Pitcock, Trustee Carol Barrett, Trustee Garland Watson, and Trustee Kimberly McAdams – the elite a cappella choir from A&M Consolidated High School entertained.


C-3.  Recognize artwork provided by students from Timber Academy, taught by Art Teacher Ann Rife

Student artwork adorned the Board Room walls and was enjoyed by all.



Agenda Item G – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 19, 2011 Workshop minutes, December 19, 2011 Public Hearing minutes, and December 19, 2011 Regular Board Meeting Minutes;  Agenda Item H – CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION:  Agenda Item H-1:  Consider approval of TASB Update 92 – D(Legal)-replace, DEA(Legal)-replace, DEAB(Legal)-ADD, DFF(Legal)-ADD, DFF(Local)-DELETE, DFFA(Local)-ADD, DFFB(Local)-ADD; Agenda Item H-2:  Consider approval of deletion of local policy EIAB and replacement of local policies BQA and BQB;   Agenda Item J –BUSINESS:  Agenda Item J-1:  Consider approval of Monthly Budget Amendments


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of the Consent Agenda, as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Trustee Randall Pitcock.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos. 



E-2.  Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/Superintendent Reports and Announcements

Trustee Randall Pitcock reported that DEIC has met and focused on the calendar proposal.


Vice President Paul Dorsett reported that the Education Foundation is focused on the annual event, “50 Men Who Can Cook”.


Trustee Kimberly McAdams reported that she is serving on the DEIC District Improvement Plan subcommittee.


Superintendent Eddie Coulson announced that Ernest (Buddy) Reed is the new Director for Student Activities for CSISD and that Gwen Elder has been named Interim Principal of A&M Consolidated High School.


F.  HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)




I-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding Level III DGBA Complaint Appeal from David Riley


MOTION XXXX: I move to fully support the administration’s decision and deny the Level III DGBA Complaint Appeal from David Riley.  The motion was made by Secretary Jeff Harris and seconded by Trustee Randall Pitcock.  Vice President Paul Dorsett and Trustee Garland Watson abstained.  The motion passed with five ayes, zero nos and two abstentions.


I-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to naming Athletic Coordinator and Football Coach for College Station High School


MOTION XXXX:  I move to approve the hiring of Coach Steve Huff as Athletic Coordinator and Head Football Coach for College Station High School, as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett.  The motion passes with seven ayes and zero nos.



J-2.  Consider approval of the Monthly Financial Reports

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker reported that this item was merely an oversight during development of the agenda.  This item is normally a consent item and Mr. Walker presented the information for approval.


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of the Monthly Financial Reports as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Trustee Garland Watson.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.



K-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the adoption of the 2012-2013 School Calendar

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Clark Ealy who reported that with the goal of developing the most appropriate school calendar for 2012-13, the Districtwide Educational Improvement Council developed four calendar options.  After receiving feedback , DEIC made a recommendation for Option Green that ends May 31, 2013 for students and bears the closest resemblance to our current calendar.


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of the 2012-2013 School Calendar as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Garland Watson and seconded by Trustee Kimberly McAdams.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


K-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) , the total project budget, authorization for the Superintendent or his designee to execute necessary documents associated therewith, and the authorization to proceed with the work associated with renovations to A&M Consolidated High School

Deputy Superintendent Clark Ealy presented information to the Board and reported.


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $4,167,887 for the base bid and HVAC alternates 1,2,3 and 4 from Pepper-Lawson Construction, L.L.P. and the total project budget in the amount of $4,692,639 for renovations to A&M Consolidated High School as presented.  The motion was made by Secretary Jeff Harris and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.



L-1.  The Board will meet in executive session to discuss the Superintendent Quarterly Review.  The executive session deliberations will be held pursuant to the “Personnel Matters:  Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code

The Board postponed this agenda item to the February 2012 meeting.



Without objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m.




PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY