College Station Independent School District

Workshop Meeting Minutes

December 17, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.

Administrative Conference Room



President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at



All seven board members were present:  President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris, and Trustees Carol Barrett, Kimberly McAdams, Quinn Williams, and Michael Wesson.



C-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the January 2014 Bond Sale and financing options

Superintendent Eddie Coulson introduced Victor Quiroga, with Southwest Securitites, the district’s financial advisor.  Mr. Quiroga reviewed a timeline for the sale in January 2014, reviewed the district’s credit rating, reported related to the two sell methods and the recommendation on that.  Questions were answered and discussion occurred. 


C-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the 2014-2015 school calendar

Superintendent Coulson recognized Dr.Clark Ealy, Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services.  Dr. Ealy reviewed the process, timeline and DEIC feedback.  He introduced two options to the Board:  Option Blue and Option Teal.  There was quite a bit of discussion related to Memorial Day on the proposed calendars and questions related to Staff Comp Days,  Trustees expressed their desire for the administration to collect feedback from the community by placing the two options on the website and offering a way for someone to vote and leave comments.


C-3.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to rezoning for Elementary School Number 9

Superintendent Eddie Coulson briefly laid out a process for rezoning beginning January 21, 2014 at the Board Workshop.  The schedule takes us through community forums, naming a committee, their work with the committee recommendation being presented to the Board in August 2014.  Public forums on the recommended zones will occur in September 2014 and board approval will be sought at the September or October 2014 board meeting.  The rezoning will be implemented in August 2015,


C-4.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to SUCCESS 24/7

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Greg McIntyre who reviewed information related to SUCCESS 24/7 to the Trustees.  The program’s success is apparent and continues to grow.


C-5.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to establishing a community based accountability system in CSISD

This agenda item will be delayed to another agenda another time due to time restraints tonight.


C-6.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the district’s foreign language program

Superintendent Coulson and President Jochen led discussion related to the district’s foreign language program.  Discussion occurred and questions were answered.  What are the barriers that would prevent CSISD from teaching other languages and what ways can we overcome them?  What is the objective for teaching foreign language?  What are the online possibilities?  A fresh approach was thrown out there by Dr. Wesson:  “ If we had no foreign language programs, what languages would we consider” ?  Discussion occurred.


C-7.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to HB5

The information to be shared related to the agenda item is follow-up and will be postponed to another agenda another time.


C-8.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Update 98

Superintendent Coulson reported that the update is legal update and has been distributed.  Voting on this policy should be expected at the January 2014 board meeting.



Without objection President Jochen adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m.