College Station Independent School District

Public Forum Minutes

March 5, 2014 at noon

CSISD Board Room



President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.



Six board members were present:  President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris and Trustees Carol Barrett, Quinn Williams, and Michael Wesson. Trustee Kimberly McAdams was absent.



President Valerie Jochen turned the meeting over to Superintendent Eddie Coulson who recognized Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services Clark Ealy.  Dr. Ealy gave a brief presentation related to rezoning.  He reviewed the timeline of the rezoning process, and reviewed the parameters set by the Board in the past to guide the rezoning committee’s work.  Dr. Ealy reported the reasons we set parameters:  allows the board to hear from the public about what is important to the entire community, not just a particular area or school; helps frame the discussion about important issues before lines are drawn on a map; helps the committee focus their work when they are faced with a number of different options; and ensures that the committee recommendation fits within the Board’s vision for new zones.

1.  Tracy Adams addressed the Trustees related to rezoning and keeping the composition of the feeder patterns equal as it relates to low socio economic status.

2.  Lori Versaw addressed the Trustees related to rezoning and keeping the same parameters for this committee’s work as used in the past.

3.  Joe Fix addressed the Trustees related to rezoning and having better projections to work with.

4.  Melinda Zbranek addressed the Trustees related to rezoning and the possibility students might have to change elementary schools for their 4th grade year.

5. Becca Johnson addressed the Trustees related to rezoning and the possibility of splitting neighborhoods.

Without objection President Jochen adjourned the meeting at 12:49 p.m.

___________________________________     ________________________________

Board President                                                       Board Secretary