December 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

CSISD Board Room 



President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with six members present.



In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Secretary Paul Dorsett, Trustees Charlotte Slack, Garland Watson Carol Barrett and Jeff Harris.  Vice President Valerie Jochen was absent. 



C-1.  Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Forest Ridge Principal Terresa Katt who introduced Casey Hawkins and Brayla Roberts, and Pebble Creek Principal Annette Roraback who introduced Macy Wright and Mason Wright.  The students led the audience in the pledges and the moment of silence.


C-2.  Staff

a.  Humanities Texas

Humanities Texas is pleased to announce that Bobby Slovak has been named as one of the 12 recipients of the 2010 Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Award.  Humanities Texas presents these awards annually to Texas classroom teachers who have made exemplary contributions in teaching, curriculum development and extracurricular programming.  Nearly two hundred and thirty teachers across the state were nominated for the 2010 awards.  Bobby Slovak teaches government and U.S. history at the high school, where he also sponsors the Young Democrats and Young Republicans clubs.


b.  Region VI Texas School Nurses Organization

Three CSISD nurses were recently recognized with awards and board committee positions.  CS Middle School Nurse Brenda Clarke received the first annual Sunny Thomas Award, recognizing her for her efforts in continuing education, programming and leadership efforts with the CSISD nursing program and the TSNO.  Clarke received the 08-09 TSNO Region VI School Nurse award and is credentialed as a National Certified School Nurse.  She has received two grants from the Education Foundation titled:  Integrating Self-Awareness to Succeed (ISS) and Journaling Toward Emotional Self-Control.  In addition, Clarke serves as the TSNO Region VI president elect and assisted to plan, coordinate and present at the First Annual TSNO Region VI Conference held in College Station in April.  A strong proponent of continuing education, Clarke received a $1000 stipend that will allow her to attend the National Association of School Nurses conference in Washington D.C. this next summer.


Cypress Grove Intermediate School nurse Lisa Sicilio was re-elected to a 2nd term  as Nominations Coordinator to the TSNO where she will serve on the executive board and coordinate the activities of the nominating committee.  Lisa is also currently the TSNO Region VI treasurer and is a National Certified School Nurse.


TSNO Region VI President and A&M Consolidated Middle School nurse Martha Anderson accepted two awards on behalf of the region.~ The awards were for membership and professional practice.  Both awards were granted based on the efforts and strategies used to increase membership and communication among the school nurses in the Region VI school districts.


C-3.  Students

a.  Texas All-State Orchestra 2010-2011 – Teacher Jeff Hill

Seven A&M Consolidated High School Orchestra students were recently selected to the 2010-2011 Texas All-State Orchestra.  The students will perform at the annual Texas Music Educators Association Convention held each February in San Antonio.  The students submitted individually recorded music to a panel of orchestra directors from around Texas, who made the all-state selections.


Congratulations to:  Joshua Ho, cellist; Katherine Park, bassist; Nicholas Smith, violist; Serena Wang, violinist; Tiffany Wu, violinist; Zachary Wu, cellist; Thomas Yum, violinist


C-4.  Recognize Campus Artwork provided by students from Forest Ridge Elementary taught by Art Teacher Suzanne May and students from Pebble Creek Elementary taught by Art Julie Zapalac

Student artwork adorned the Board Room walls and was enjoyed by all.



D-1.  Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/Superintendent Reports and Announcements

Superintendent Eddie Coulson reported that the school calendar options are posted on the website for feedback.  The board and administration will be participating in CRSS Training in January, 2011.  Also, Dr Coulson expressed appreciation for Bobby Slovak, Outstanding Teacher of the Humanities Award.


D-2.  Receive Report on School Board Continuing Education

Superintendent Eddie Coulson reported that rule has required that a public announcement be made each year of the names of those board members who have completed the required continuing education, who have exceeded the required hours, and who are deficient.  House Bill 2563 passed the 80th Legislative Session amended TEC Section 11.159 to include reporting board training hours at the last regular meeting of the calendar year.  TASB has advised districts to make both announcements until the SBOE rule was modified.  The amendments approved November 19, 2010, remove any reference to an announcement at the meeting for the call for elections.  The only announcement that must be made is now at the last regular board meeting in the calendar year, which for most boards in the December meeting.


Board Training hours:

Place 1           Paul Dorsett              39.00 hours

Place 2           Carol Barrett              33.50 hours

Place 3           Garland Watson       37.75 hours

Place 4           Jeff Harris                  21.25 hours

Place 5           Randall Pitcock        37.25 hours

Place 6           Charlotte Slack         41.75 hours

Place 7           Valerie Jochen         37.75 hours


All Trustees have exceeded the required hours.


E.  HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)




Agenda Item G – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 16, 2010 Workshop Minutes, November 16, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes ; Agenda Item H – CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION: Agenda Item H-2:  Consider approval of TEA Expedited Waiver for Staff Development (2011-2014) and Early Release (2011-2012); Agenda Item J - BUSINESS:   Agenda Item J-3: Consider approval of Monthly Budget Amendments; Agenda Item J-4:  Consider approval of Monthly Financial Reports


The administration pulled Agenda Item G – Approval of Minutes and plan to bring those to the Board for approval at the January 2011 meeting.


MOTION 4236:  I move approval of the Consent Agenda as amended by pulling Agenda Item G – Approval of Minutes.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Trustee Garland Watson.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Trustee Valerie Jochen was absent.



H-1.  Consider approval of the 2011-2012 District Improvement Plan Goals and Objectives

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Greg McIntyre who reported to the Board that the CSWISD District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) has the responsibility of recommending to the Board the District Improvement Plan each year.  The DEIC recently met to review data and feedback related to goals and objectives for the district plan.  The goals and objectives, which received a unanimous vote of approval by DEIC, are very similar as in years past.  This consistency serves as a testament to the district mission of success:  to ensure that each student is academically successful and that the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of each student are met in a safe learning environment.  Supporting this consistent focus are objectives which center upon reducing the achievement gap, encouraging commended performance, and providing opportunities for CSISD employees to participate in the dialogue on behalf of high expectations for students and strong, encouraging school culture.   One objective was added to this year’s district plan:  Students will graduate ready to enter college or the workforce.


MOTION 4237:  I move to approve the 2011-2012 District Improvement Plan Goals and Objectives as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Garland Watson and seconded by Trustee Jeff Harris.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Vice President Valerie Jochen was absent.



J-1.  Consider approval of the Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Report for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2010

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker who reported that the firm of Hereford, Lynch, Sellars & Kirkham, Certified Public Accountants, has conducted the annual financial and compliance audit for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2010.


MOTION 4238:  I move approval of the Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Report for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2010 as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Garland Watson and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Vice President Valier Jochen was absent.


J-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding the recommendation that the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal #11-001 be awarded to School Specialty Inc. for the planning, selection, procurement and project management of interior furnishings for four campuses.  This proposal incorporates new campuses, Greens Prairie Elementary and College Station High School, and new classroom additions at Oakwood Intermediate School and A&M Consolidated Middle School.  The term of this agreement will be two years with an option to extend the agreement one additional year through December 2013.

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker who reported that requests for competitive sealed proposals for interior furnishings were issued on 9/2/10 and advertised 9/5 and 9/12/10.  These advertisements and publications met all notice and publication standards as required by state law and CSISD Board policy.  An evaluation committee of six district and campus level administrators reviewed the proposals, received presentations and viewed furniture samples before making their recommendation.


MOTION 4239:  I move that the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal #11-001 be awarded to School Specialty Inc. for the planning, selection, procurement and project management of interior furnishings for four campuses.  This proposal incorporates new campuses, Greens Prairie Elementary and College Station High School, and new classroom additions at Oakwood Intermediate School and A&M Consolidated Middle School.  The term of this agreement will be two years with an option to extend the agreement one additional year through December 2013., as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Vice President Valerie Jochen was absent.



K-1.  Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of College Station (“City”), and College Station Independent School District (“CSISD”) for the conveyance, sale, and exchange of land to the City, in consideration for the City’s agreement to provide CSISD with access to and use of a lift station located at the intersection of Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail, and the City’s agreement to bear on-half of the actual cost of the installation of the CSISD fiber optic cable network from the connection point to existing City fiber network to the entrance of CSISD property, and costs to maintain said fiber network.  The land to  be sold:  a two-acre tract of land located on the Eidson Tract, adjacent to Royder Road, to facilitate the construction of a fire station.

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Clark Ealy who reported that the staff from the City of College Station and CSISD have been working together to facilitate the development of city and school district facilities near the intersection of Greens Prairie Trail and Royder Road.  Currently the City owns and operates a sewer lift facility and force main at that intersection, and the school district owns two tracts of property.  CSISD is constructing Greens Prairie Elementary at the corner of Greens Prairie Trail and Royder Road, and the campus will open in August 2011.  Part of the infrastructure needed to operate a school is access to the sewer lift station across the street, including the assurance that the city will provide the capacity at the lift station to accommodate the school’s load on the system.  The city has agreed to ensure capacity, at their expense, for up to four CSISD facilities.  In consideration of the city’s commitment to provide access and capacity at the lift station, CSISD has agreed to transfer two acres to the city at a time of their choosing for the purpose of construction of a fire station.


A second issue surrounding the opening of GPEL is the access to the city’s fiber ring.  The two entities operate under an existing Interlocal Agreement governing the installation, connection and maintenance of the fiber network.  The length of the fiber run to GPES is of such a length, that the run could cost up to $100,000.  Currently, the only city facility in that area is the lift station that does not require fiber connection.  When the fire station on Royder Road comes on line, the city will have a need for access to the fiber ring.  The city and school district have agreed to split the cost of extending the fiber to the Royder Road Greens Prairie Trail area with the school district initially paying for the entire cost of the fiber run.  As a part of this ILA, the city will reimburse the school district one-half the cost of fiber run at the time they take possession of the two-acres on Royder Road for the fire station.


MOTION 4240:  I move approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of College Station (“City”), and College Station Independent School District (“CSISD”) for the conveyance, sale, and exchange of land to the City, in consideration for the City’s agreement to provide CSISD with access to and use of a lift station located at the intersection of Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail, and the City’s agreement to bear on-half of the actual cost of the installation of the CSISD fiber optic cable network from the connection point to existing City fiber network to the entrance of CSISD property, and costs to maintain said fiber network.  The land to  be sold:  a two-acre tract of land located on the Eidson Tract, adjacent to Royder Road, to facilitate the construction of a fire station, as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Vice President Valerie Jochen was absent.



L-1.  The Board will meet in executive session to discuss the Superintendent Quarterly Review.  The executive session deliberations will be held pursuant to the “Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code.

The Board went into Executive Session and 7:53 p.m.



The Board came back into Open Session at 8:59 p.m.



Without objection, President Pitcock adjourned the meeting at 8:59 p.m.




RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT                                        

RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT

PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY