January 18, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

CSISD Board Room 



President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with seven members present.



In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Vice President Valerie Jochen, Secretary Paul Dorsett, Trustees Charlotte Slack, Garland Watson Carol Barrett and Jeff Harris. 



C-1.  Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence

President Randall Pitcock recognized Timber Academy Principal Margie Martinez who introduced Da’Chaum Johnson and Tay Briggs.  The students led the audience in the pledges and the moment of silence.


C-2.  School Board

January is School Board Appreciation month.  We are grateful for CSISD Trustees:  Recognized is President Randall Pitcock, Vice President Valerie Jochen, Secretary Paul Dorsett, Trustees Charlotte Slack, Carol Barrett, Garland Watson and Jeff Harris.


C-3.  Staff

a.  AVID Educators

Robin Oberg, Director for Special Programs, recognized AVID Educators.  Honored were:  AMC High School – Tami Dudo, Kimmie Daily, Gwen Elder, and Buddy Reed; CS Middle School – Kim Pritchard, Bryan Bryant, and Oliver Hadnot; AMC Middle School – Patrick Peabody, Joey Washington, and Nkrumah Dixon; Oakwood Intermediate School – Mary Bates and Kate Schoen; Cypress Grove Intermediate School – Sandy Lewellen and Rick Hill.


C-4.  Students

a. Girls Cross Country – Coach Rodney Wellmann

Sophomore Karis Jochen placed fifth in the state cross country meet to earn first-team all-state accolades.  Congratulations Karis! 


C-5.  Recognize Campus Artwork provided by students from Timber Academy taught by Art Teacher Ann Rife

Student artwork adorned the Board Room walls and was enjoyed by all.



D-1.  Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/Superintendent Reports and Announcements

Trustee Charlotte Slack announced that Trustees are going to Austin with the Chamber of Commerce to advocate legislation on behalf of the school district.  She also discussed the TASB Good Governance award which CSISD Trustees earned.


Vice President Valerie Jochen reported that PAC has met and discussion centers around the budget and district’s financial outlook.


Trustee Jeff Harris reported the Education Foundation’s “50 Men Who Can Cook” event is scheduled for 2/4/11.


Secretary Paul Dorsett reported that DEIC has met and discussed calendar options.


Deputy Superintendent for Human Resources and Business Services Glynn Walker introduced Debra Parks, new employee, Director for Business Services.


E.  HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)




Agenda Item G – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 16, 2010 Workshop Minutes, November 16, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes, December 13, 2010 Board Workshop Minutes, December 14, 2010 Board Workshop Minutes, December 14, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes ; Agenda Item I – PERSONNEL:  Agenda Item I-1:  Consider approval of Resignations; Agenda Item I-2:  Consider approval of Employments; Agenda Item J - BUSINESS:   Agenda Item J-2:  Consider approval of changes to authorized check signers on High School Trust & Agency account; Agenda Item J-3: Consider approval of Request for Bids #11-004, Carpenter Labor Bid; Agenda Item J-4:  Consider approval of Request for Proposals #11-003, Door Locks and Hardware; Agenda Item J-5:  Consider approval of the purchase of Greens Prairie Elementary playground equipment from Total Recreation Products for $92,622.71; Agenda Item J-6:  Consider approval of the purchase of special needs bus from Longhorn Bus Sales for $93,760.00; Agenda Item J-7: Consider approval of Monthly Budget Amendments; Agenda Item J-8:  Consider approval of Monthly Financial Reports; Agenda Item K-2:  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to a Waiver for low student attendance on 12/15/10 - A&M Consolidated High School due to lower than normal attendance on 12/15/10.


MOTION 4241:  I move approval of the Consent Agenda as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Valerie Jochen  and seconded by Trustee Jeff Harris.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos. 



H-1.  Receive Report on Teen Parenting

Judy McLeod, Director for Community Education and Career Technology, reported to the Board of Trustees related to Teen Parenting.  The purpose of the CSISD Teen Parent Program is to provide the opportunity for school-age parents, through education, to become self-sufficient, responsible, job-oriented citizens.  The program’s goals is to reduce the number of students who drop out of school due to pregnancy and/or parenthood.


There are two components of pregnancy related services.  Part I includes individual and peer counseling, job-readiness training, transportation for students and their children, instruction in child development, parenting, nutrition, money management, etc., and assistance in obtaining available services from government agencies or community service organizations.  Part II includes mandatory academic services offered six weeks after the birth of child and is offered longer if there is documented medical need.  Achievements of the program are dropout prevention and partnerships with community programs and agencies including Early Head Start.  The challenge for the program is funding.  CEHI (Compensatory Education Home Instruction) is funded through State Comp Ed and there are threats of total cuts.



J-1.  Consider approval of the Quarterly Investment Report for the three months ended November 30, 2010

Glynn Walker, Deputy Superintendent for Human Resources and Business Services, presented the quarterly report of all District investments to the Board which is required by the Public Funds Investment Act (The Act).  The Act further requires the District’s investments officer to meet continuing education requirements, and the District is in compliance with this mandate.


MOTION 4242:  I move approval of the Quarterly Investment Report for the three months ended November 30, 2010 as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.



K-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the 2011-2012 school calendar

Clark Ealy, Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services, reported to the Board that with the goal of developing the most appropriate school calendar for 2-11-2012, the Districtwide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) developed four draft calendar options.  After receiving initial feedback from those groups the DEIC members represent, the group put three options on the CSISD website for all constituents to be able to view and comment.  After reviewing the voting and the on-line feedback, DEIC recommended Option 3 that ends June 1st with Fall final exams before the winter break.


Dr. Ealy commented that DEIC is very appreciative of the opportunity to weigh in on the local calendar.


MOTION 4243:  I move approval of Calendar Option 3 as the school calendar for 2011-2012, as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Valerie Jochen and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


L-1.  The Board will meet in executive session to discuss the Superintendent Quarterly Review.  The executive session deliberations will be held pursuant to the “Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code.

The Board went into Executive Session and 7:51 p.m.



The Board came back into Open Session at 8:44 p.m.



Without objection, President Pitcock adjourned the meeting at 8:44 p.m.



RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORETT


RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT

PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY