July 20, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.
Administrative Conference Room
President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with five members present.
In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Secretary Paul Dorsett, and Trustees Carol Barrett, Charlotte Slack, and Jeff Harris.. Trustee Garland Watson was absent. Vice President Valerie Jochen arrived at 5:05 p.m.
C-1. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to a Special Meeting on August 30, 2010 for rezoning (5 minutes)
President Pitcock recognized Superintendent Eddie Coulson who asked the Board for consideration of scheduling an August 30, 2010 meeting to present Rezoning information to the community. Brief discussion occurred and a meeting will be scheduled for 8/30/10 in the CSISD Board Room.
C-2. Consideration, discussion, and possible action regarding the 2010-2011 budget (30 minutes)
President Pitcock recognized Superintendent Eddie Coulson who reported that administrators are still working toward a balanced budget. Discussion occurred. Chief Financial Officer Amanda Dotson answered questions. President Pitcock reported that he had received positive feedback in the community as it pertains to transparency in the budget development process.
Newly elected Jeff Harris reported that teachers have thanked him for their salary increase.
Superintendent Eddie Coulson thanked Chief Financial Officer Amanda Dotson for her service to College Station Independent School District.
C-3. Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding the 2009 Bond Financing options (20 minutes)
Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Victor Quiroga, CSISD’s Financial Advisor, reported to the Board relating bond financing options. Discussion occurred regarding risks associated with Build America Bonds. BABS is an opportunity created by Federal stimulus money. Vice President Valerie Jochen expressed that the tax exempt process used historically by CSISD meets the expectations of the community.
C-4. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the 8/5/10 Board Retreat (20 minutes)
President Randall Pitcock discussed with colleagues the specifics related to a Board Retreat scheduled for 8/5/10 at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Green Room. The Retreat will be facilitated by Facilitator Ron Fox. The group will be split into two groups with Charlotte Slack and Carol Barrett stepping up to be leaders of the groups. The purpose of the Retreat is to provide an environment where all will participate equally and then come together as a cohesive group. The focus will be: Core Beliefs as a Board, Commitment as a Board, and Theory of Action as a Board. Homework is due 7/26/10.
C-5. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the High School Transition Team (15 minutes)
President Pitcock recognized Superintendent Eddie Coulson who reported and led discussion related to the High School Transition team as it pertains to the transfer guidelines. Students can transfer for academic programming. Discussion occurred related to whether or not the transfer guidelines should be approved by the Board or not.
C-6. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to CSISD data (15 minutes)
President Pitcock recognized Superintendent Coulson who reviewed district-wide historical data with Trustees. Dr. Coulson reviewed themes and key communication points. CSISD is: growing, diverse, supported by a supportive and educated community. CSISD has: an excellent staff that provides ample opportunities to produce successful students.
Discussion occurred. Trustees would like information related to a fiscally responsible category and tax rate.
C-7. Receive Bond Updates related to Oakwood, Rock Prairie, and the Transportation Center (10 minutes)
Superintendent Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Clark Ealy who updated the Board related to the bond projects. The 2007 Bond proceeds have afforded a Grounds Facility, CSMS Running Track, Athletic complex, Creek View Elementary, College Hills Elementary, CATE Classrooms, CSMS Fine Arts Building, CG Classroom Addition/Roof, and AMCHS and OW Roofs. A little more than $7.5 Million has not been expended yet. AMCMS Track is completed, but not closed. Current projects are security vestibules at Rock Prairie and Oakwood which are still within budget and on schedule for completion prior to start of school in August. Upcoming projects include Oakwood and AMCMS Classroom Additions and land acquisition.
The 2009 Bond provided funds beginning 9/16/09. Most expenditures this first year have been for architect fees. CSISD is now seeing construction expenditures with all three projects coming out of the ground. Twenty-five buses have been purchased.
The Support Services Center is still under budget and on schedule to be completed by the end of July, 2010, with the transportation move being scheduled for the week of August 9th.
Without objection, President Pitcock adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.