September 21, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

Administrative Conference Room



President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with five members present.



In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Secretary Paul Dorsett, and Trustees Carol Barrett, Charlotte Slack, and Jeff Harris.  Trustee Garland Watson was absent.  Vice President Valerie Jochen arrived at 5:05 p.m. 



C-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Board communication with campuses (5 minutes)

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Director of Communications Chuck Glenewinkel who reported that the “Campus of the Month” effort is going well.  The next faculty meeting(s) will be on Thursday, October 7th at 7:30 a.m. and 3:55 p.m. at A&M Consolidated High School.  President Randall Pitcock will represent the board at those meetings.


C-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Policy Update 88 (5 minutes)

Superintendent Eddie Coulson reported that Policy Update 88 was emailed to Trustees prior to the meeting and asked for questions.  No discussion occurred.


C-3.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to identifying two policies regarding the Center for Reform of School Systems work (30 minutes)

Superintendent Eddie Coulson led discussion related to CRSS policy work.  The board will meet for training with Consultant Tim Smith on 10/1/10.  Discussion occurred regarding the development of policies that will provide clear direction in the areas of Staff recruitment, development, support and retention and Resource allocation.


Vice President Valerie Jochen wants to be forward thinking and already anticipate needs – focus on use of resources.  She feels that when we talk about a need, something has already happened.  She wants to be more pro-active and fully aware of the way the money starts impacting our programs.

C-4.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Board Operating Procedure update (15 minutes)

The Board Operating Procedures revisions were reviewed and discussed. 


MOTION 4217:  I move approval of the Board Operating Procedures as discussed.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


C-5.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Board Operating Procedure related to social media (15 minutes)

Trustee Charlotte Slack reported that some districts are adopting social media guidelines for trustees.  Chuck Glenewinkel, Director of Communications, reported that there are district social media guidelines for employees currently.  Brief discussion occurred.


C-6.  Discussion related to the upcoming TASA/TASB Conference (10 minutes)

Brief discussion occurred related to travel plans.


C-7.  Discussion related to a resolution regarding the “Make Education a Priority” campaign (5 minutes)

Trustee Charlotte Slack discussed a campaign across the state of Texas for legislators as they head into the next legislative session, sending a unified message of:  “Make Education a Priority”.  Ms. Slack wants to let the community know about the Resolution to make public education a priority.  Director of Communications Chuck Glenewinkel will discuss on WTAW and will get the word out on the internet.


MOTION 4218:  I move approval of the resolution regarding the “Make Education a Priority” campaign, as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Charlotte Slack and seconded by Trustee Garland Watson.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


C-8.  Discussion about the 2011-2012 budget and potential points to consider (10 minutes)

Superintendent Eddie Coulson led discussion related to the 2011-2012 budget.  CSISD will plan for a 10% budget reduction.  The state has indicated that will be the case.  In anticipation of districts needing to cut 10% in the future, CSISD will be poised.  With plans to open facilities we know that we will have to reduce the budget.  Administration has developed “Budget Teams” that began work in June 2010.  These teams are planning; they are pro-active; and are well aware of the community’s expectations for student learning.  Progress will be reported out.


C-9.  Receive 2007 and 2009 Bond Update (10 minutes)

Deputy Superintendent Clark Ealy reported that related to the 2007 Bond, we have several closed projects:  Grounds Facility, CSMS Running Track, Athletic Complex, Creek View Elementary, College Hills Elementary, CATE Classrooms, CSMS Find Arts Building, Cypress Grove Classroom Addition/Roof, and AMCHS and OW Roofs.  A little more than $6.5 Million has not been expended yet.  Projects that are completed, but not closed yet, are:  AMCMS Track, OW and RP Security Vestibules.  Current projects are capital improvement needs.  Upcoming Projects are Oakwood and AMCMS Classroom Additions, and Land Acquisition.


Dr. Ealy reported that the 2009 Bond funds were received 9/16/09.  Most expenditures in the first year were for Architect Fees.  Construction expenditures are increasing with The Transportation Center finished and construction begun on Greens Prairie Elementary and CS High School.  Twenty-five buses have been purchased.  Discussion occurred.



Without objection, President Pitcock adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.





RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT                                        

RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT

PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY