August 16, 2011 at 5:00 p.m.

Administration Conference Room



President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with seven members present.    



In attendance were President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris, Trustees Randall Pitcock, Carol Barrett Kimberly McAdams and Garland Watson.  Trustee Garland Watson left the room at 6:35 p.m. and returned at 6:38 p.m.  Trustee Carol Barrett left the room at 6:41 p.m. and returned at 6:45 p.m.  



C-1.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the 2011-2012 Budget including salaries and benefits

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent for Human Resources and Business Services who updated the changes to the budget proposal.  Together they answered questions of Trustees related to the proposed budget. 


Secretary Jeff Harris questioned whether or not any consideration was given to implementing any portion of the 4 cent enrichment tax this coming school year.  Discussion occurred related to saving the “pennies” for the opening of College Station High School in 2012. 


President Valerie Jochen wonders what happens to districts that have not used all of their resources i.e. 4 cent enrichment tax.  Could we be penalized?  Dr. Jochen stated that she was struggling with asking employees and staff to make changes, but not asking the community to do anything.


Trustee Carol Barrett thinks it would be difficult to sustain if the 4 cent tax is used for recurring expenses.


Vice President Paul Dorsett questioned if the administration feels that this budget will cause a drop in student achievement?  Discussion occurred.


Superintendent Coulson stated that the March 2012 primary results will tell the tale of what will happen in November and set up the next biennium.  Those results will determine funds budgeted for public education.


C-2.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to End of Course policies and procedures – EIA Local, EIC Local, EIE Local and a Resolution considering the Student Success Initiative

Superintendent Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Greg McIntyre who reported to the Trustees related to End of Course policies and procedures.  Just around the corner is a new accountability system for Texas.  CSISD personnel have been working to incorporate the new End of Course (EOC) Exams into the grading guidelines.  These exams will be phased in for certain core classes over only the next three years.  State law dictates that End of Course exams must be counted as 15% of the student’s final grade and students must pass EOCs in certain courses in order to fulfill state requirements for graduation.  This agenda item is expected to be voted on at the September 2011 board meeting.  Discussion occurred


C-3.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to State and Federal Accountability ratings

Superintendent Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent for Administrative Services Clark Ealy who reported to the Trustees related to State and Federal Accountability ratings.  CSISD missed AYP – why? – The performance of our Special Education students in Reading/ELA did not meet the 80% mark.  Five areas contribute to the rating:  Reading/ELA performance (80%), Reading/ELA participation (95%), Math performance (75%), Math participation (95%), and Other Indicator – All students only – graduation rate for CSISD, HS and Timber (4 year rate 75% or 5 year rate 80% and attendance rate for all other schools – 90% rate.  AYP is calculated with:  Reading and Math only, Grades 3-8 and 10 only, Seven students groups instead of five (all students, African American, Hispanic, White, Economically Disadvantaged, Special Ed and LEP.  All TAKS tests added together – TAKS, TAKS-Acc, TAKS-M, and TAKS, Alt and all are pretty similar to the state accountability system.


What is different from the state system that pertains to the federal system:  different minimum size requirements (50/10%/200).  If there are fewer than 50 students in a group – they don’t count toward the rating.  If there are more than 200 students in a group – they do count toward the rating.  If there are between 50 and 199 students, the student group must be at least 10% of the students tested in the district or campus.  Unlike the state system, some SPED students will be counted as failers even if they pass their TAKS-M or TAKS-Alt assessments due to the 1% and 2% cap.                           Discussion occurred.


C-4.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to trustee representation on 2011-2012 District Committees and the Board Audit Committee

President Valerie Jochen asked for feedback related to the 2011-2012 board representation on district committees and the Board Audit Committee as she assigned.


C-5.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to supporting Marilyn Bettes for the Region 6 TASB Board of Directors


MOTION 4370:  I move that we support Candidate Marilyn Bettes for the Region VI TASB Board of Directors, as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Randall Pitcock and seconded by Vice President Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with five ayes and zero nos.  Secretary Jeff Harris abstained from voting and Trustee Carol Barrett was out of the room.


C-6.  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to implications of implementing SB100 as it pertains to elections

This agenda item will be postponed until the September Board Workshop. 



Without objection, President Jochen adjourned the workshop at 6:45 p.m.




VALERIE JOCHEN                                                 JEFF HARRIS


PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY