August 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

CSISD Board Room 




President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with seven members present.



In attendance were President Valerie Jochen, Vice President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris and Trustees Garland Watson, Kimberly McAdams, Carol Barrett and Randall Pitcock. 



C-1.  Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Missy Horn and Emma Horn, students at South Knoll Elementary School.  They led the audience in the pledges and the moment of silence.


C-2.  Students

a.  Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America – Sponsor Clarissa Riedel

Three CSISD students recently won a gold medal at the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California.  The trio competed in the Focus on the Children, STAR competition scoring 97.5 out of 100 total points to earn the top award in their category.  Congratulations to:  Nicole Albrect, Samantha shepherd, and Abigail Hedge.


C-3.  Recognize Campus Artwork provided by students from Summer Elementary programs

Student artwork adorned the Board Room walls and was enjoyed by all.



Agenda Item G – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – July 21, 2011 Workshop Minutes, July 21, 2011 Regular Board Minutes; Agenda Item H – CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION:  Agenda Item H-2:  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to EHBB Local as it pertains to the Gifted and Talented Program of CSISD; Agenda Item H-3:  Consider approval of Local Identification Criteria for State Compensatory Education; Agenda Item I – PERSONNEL:  Agenda Item I-1:  Consider approval of the 2011-2012 Teacher Appraisal and Evaluation Calendar; Agenda Item J - BUSINESS:  Agenda Item J-4:  Consider approval of Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 54 resolution; Agenda Item J-5:  Consider approval of renewals for Property, General Liability, Auto Liability and Auto Physical Damage Insurance policies with the Travelers Insurance Company and ANCO Insurance Company; Agenda Item J-6:  Consider approval of Request for Bid #11-013 for plumbing labor; Agenda Item J-7:  Consider approval of Request for Bid #11-008 for electrician labor; Agenda Item J-8:  Consider approval for the purchase of music furniture and equipment for College Station High School in the amount of $147,495.00; Agenda Item J-9:   Consider approval of Monthly Budget Amendments; Agenda Item J-10:  Consider approval of Monthly Financial Reports


MOTION 4371:  I move approval of the Consent Agenda, as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Randall Pitcock and seconded by Trustee Garland Watson.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos



E-1.  Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/Superintendent Reports and Announcements

Trustee Carol Barrett reported that Greens Prairie Elementary PJ’s and Pancakes was successful.


Superintendent Eddie Coulson reported related to the Education Foundation’s Employee Giving Campaign and that school starts on 8/22/11.  CSISD received a Press Release from TxDOT related to building a median from Wellborn Road to Texas Avenue on Harvey Mitchell Parkway.  Also, Dr. Coulson commented on the Back to School Employee Rally – “We’re Ready to Astound”!


F.  HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)

1.  Mary Howell addressed the Board of Trustees related to approval of the 2011-2012 budget that includes $38 toward employee benefits.



H-1.  Consider approval of the 2011-2012 Code of Conduct

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized Director for Student Services Chrissy Hester who reported related to adoption of the 2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct.  Each year CSISD adopts a Student Code of Conduct that provides students and families a framework of policies and practices used by the district in order for the district to maintain its focus on helping students be academically, socially, and behaviorally successful.  The Code of Conduct clearly states the behavioral expectations for students, the due process procedures, and the consequences for students who do not meet behavioral expectations.


Several changes from last year’s version include:

·         Added the definition of cyberbullying and sexting with disciplinary consequences

·         Added mandatory DEAP placement for aggravated robbery

·         Added look-alike drugs known as K-2, spice and bath salts as controlled substances

·         Added any offenses involving computer security or on-line impersonation as an expellable offense

·         Added tire deflation devise as a prohibited weapon requiring mandatory expulsion


MOTION 4372:  I move approval of the proposed 2011-2012 Code of Conduct as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.



J-1.  Consider the Adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds Series 2011 and Other Matters Related Thereto, in the amount of $41,700,000

Superintendent Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker who reported to the Board related to bond sales.  Mr. Walker reported that at a duly called election on May 9, 2009, the voters of CSISD approved a ballot proposition authorizing the sale of School Building Bonds in the amount of $144,200,000 with a 70% margin. 


Mr. Walker introduced Victor Quirego with Southwest Securities, the district’s financial advisor.  Mr. Quirego reported that Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. has submitted to purchase bonds at the lowest interest rate of 3.79%.


MOTION 4373:  I move for adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of College Station Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds Series 2011 and Other Matters Related Thereto, in the amount of $41,700,000 to Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


J-2.  Consider adoption of the budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2011 and ending August 31, 2012

Superintendent Coulson recognized Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker who reported related to the proposed 2011-2012 budget.  CSISD will run a deficit budget for 2011-2012 in the amount of $2.47 million and will draw from its $29 million-plus fund balance to cover the deficit.  Recently passed legislation will cause CSISD to receive about 6% less per student for 2011-2012, which translates to an estimated $4.7 million less than CSISD would have received under the 2010-2011 funding system.


College Station ISD has reduced its spending for 2011-2012 by more than $2.7 million – mostly through personnel attrition and reassignment.  There have been 65 professional and paraprofessional staff reassignments.  Reductions in central office, athletics and operations budgets have also been implemented.  An increase in the district health insurance contribution of $38 per month for employees is included in the budget proposal.  


MOTION 4374:  I move approval of adoption of the budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2011 and ending August 31, 2012, as presented.  The motion was made by Trustee Garland Watson and seconded by Trustee Randall Pitcock.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.


J-3.  Consider approval of Ordinance Adopting a Tax rate for the 2011-2012 fiscal year

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker presented information to the Board of Trustees related to adoption of the Tax rate for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.  The Board voted unanimously to adopt the tax rate for 2011 of $1.335033 per $100 of evaluation.  The sale of the final portion of the 2009 bonds will raise the CSISD tax rate by $.0251 per $100 of evaluation to $.1140 for the total 2009 bond package - $.0239 lower than estimated at the time of the 2009 bond election.


$1000050 – for the purpose of maintenance and operations

$0.334983 – for the purpose of payment of principal and interest

$1.335033 – TOTAL CSISD tax rate


CSISD remains one of fewer than 100 districts in Texas with an M&O tax rate of $1.00005 or less.


MOTION 4375:  I move approval of the Ordinance Adopting a Tax rate for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, as presented.  The motion was made by Secretary Jeff Harris and seconded by Trustee Garland Watson.  The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos.





Without objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.



VALERIE JOCHEN                                                 JEFF HARRIS


PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY