Success...each life...each day...each hour College Station Independent School District
College Station
Independent School District
Board Workshop Minutes
December 16, 2014 5:00
Conference Room
President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
A quorum was declared with six members were present. In attendance were President Valerie Jochen, Secretary Jeff Harris, Trustees Carol Barrett, Quinn Williams, Michael Wesson and Michael Schaefer. Vice-President Paul Dorsett was not in attendance.
1. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to new high school
courses for 2015-16
Deputy Superintendent Greg McIntyre presented the proposed new courses at the high school level for the 2015-16 school year to the Board of trustees. The proposed courses are as follows: Algebraic Reasoning; Data Analysis; Astronomy; Special Topics in Language and Culture; Mandarin Chinese I and II; Art II-Sculpture; Art III-Sculpture; Dance Composition I, II and III; and Video Game Design. Mr. McIntyre reviewed the descriptions of each course being proposed.
2. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to 2015-16 school
Mr. McIntyre reviewed the process used by DEIC to collect feedback from peers along with online voting results. There were 33 pages of comments associated with the online voting. The blue calendar received 55% of the online vote versus 45% for the green option. DEIC recommends the blue calendar option by a vote of 10-8. The Board held discussion regarding changing the process for calendar development for next year.
3. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to CSISD enrollment
Superintendent Clark Ealy reviewed the enrollment growth and projections data through the 2019-2020 school year. Superintendent Ealy then presented the preliminary bond program analysis information received from Southwest Securities as of December 5, 2014. Dr. Ealy reviewed both the very conservative projections and the more realistic projections for 2015. If we are going to do a November 2015 bond, we would need to call a bond election in August of 2015. However, we would need to begin design of a third intermediate school in February 2015. Discussion occurred. President Jochen asked for a recommendation from the administration regarding the timeline. Dr. Ealy stated that he would recommend we go for a bond in November 2015. We hope to schedule a joint meeting with the City of College Station to further discuss this possibility along with other items of common interest. The Board advised the administration to proceed as if we are going to call a bond in 2015 at this point.
4. Consideration, discussion and possible action related to Board Operating
President Valerie Jochen reviewed the Board Operating Procedures highlighting certain areas such as the role and authority of the Board outside of Board Meetings. In light of new members on the Board and new administration in the district, President Jochen proposed the Board attend training focused on governance and the role of the Board. President Jochen then highlighted areas of communication among the Board with the administration, with each other and with the community. Also reviewed and discussed was interaction with the media and receiving anonymous information.
Without objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 6:48 pm
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to go into executive session in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code to discuss any item (s) it is authorized to discuss in executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Any necessary Board action related to such item(s) will be taken in open session following executive session.