To: Mike Ball

From: Sharon Jackson

Date: May 13, 2003

Subject: Playground Renovations


Board Priority/

District Goal:

Background Information:

The playgrounds located at four of the elementary campuses have been a source of concern for many months. After evaluation by a disabilities consultant and a playground designer, it was determined that Southwood Valley and South Knoll were the campuses with the highest need. The Head Start Policy Council, Head Start staff and parents have all expressed an interest in upgrading and improving these areas. This program has sought input from staff and consultants to obtain information about the best possible solutions to the issue of safe and appropriate playgrounds.

In consultation with Mark Pantel, Coordinator of Purchasing, I have requested proposals from vendors for new equipment. Three companies who are approved vendors of the Texas Local Government Statewide Purchasing Cooperative (Buy Board) of which CSISD is a member responded to the request. These proposers are:

Game Time–Total Recreation Products

Kraftsman Playground and Park Equipment

May Recreation Equipment Company


As the District and the Head Start program are committed to the provision of beneficial experiences for young children and as the element of outdoor activity is an essential part of the development of these children, it is recommended that the Board approve the purchase of playground equipment from Game Time to replace a part of the existing equipment at South Knoll and Southwood Valley. This company presented the most complete and comprehensive package for improvement for these two playgrounds. The total amount for improvements to two campuses is $66,841. As the district has budgeted $60,000 for this project, Head Start funds are allocated to cover the additional $6,841. Work can be completed during the summer of 2003.

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