To: Dr. Steve Johnson, Superintendent

From: Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction/Personnel

Date: May 13, 2003

Subject: Shared Services Agreements/Contracted Services

Agenda Item: K-1

Board Priority/ B, C — 1, 3, 4

District Goal:


The Region VI Education Service Center provides services to all districts within Region VI. For some services, school districts must pay a fee in order to participate. CSISD would like to contract with Region VI in the following areas:

By allowing CSISD to contract with Region VI, CSISD personnel will be able to consult with experts from Region VI and to take advantage of services that are offered. Participation with Region VI helps to provide CSISD administrators and teachers the necessary information so that our resources and services can be maximized


It is recommended that the CSISD School Board approve the contracted agreements with Region VI ESC as presented.

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