School Board Meeting Minutes Joint
Workshop Meeting |
A. CALL TO ORDER CSISD Board President
Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. B. DECLARATION OF QUORUM College Station ISD had a quorum with the following members present: President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster, and Trustees Steve Aldrich, Mary Broussard, Larry Johnson, and Tim Jones were present. Bryan ISD had a quorum with the following members present: President Tommy Ramirez, Jr., Vice President Susan McKneely, and Trustees Brett Cumpton, Merrill Green, David Stasny and Robert Worley were present. Secretary Carl Hasan was absent. C. WORKSHOP SESSION 1. Legislative Update presented by authorized representative of Region VI Education Service Center as required by Texas Education Code Section 11.159. Senator Steve Ogden presented a brief legislative update to the Trustees. Senator Ogden addressed several school finance issues including health insurance, property taxes, federal funding, school year structure, uniform tax structure and hiring of retired teachers. In addition, Senator Ogden held a question and answer session for the Trustees regarding these matters. Dale Dixon, Region VI Field Services, presented the legislative update materials to the Trustees for self study credit and reviewed the usage of these materials. D. ADJOURNMENT CSISD MOTION 3293: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes. BISD MOTION: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by David Stasny and seconded by Susan McKneely. The motion carried with six ayes. Without objection, President Lowy and President Ramirez adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
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Station Independent School District |