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School Board Meeting Minutes

Workshop Meeting
October 30, 2001
5:00 p.m.

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President Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.


President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Trustees Tim Jones and Mary Broussard were present. Secretary Dayne Foster arrived at 5:04 pm. Trustee Steve Aldrich arrived at 6:13 pm. Trustee Larry Johnson arrived at 5:16 pm.

3. Discuss Election of New Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazos County Appraisal District
President Susan Lowy moved Item C-3 ahead of Item C-1 to allow for discussion of candidates for New Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazos County Appraisal District before concentrating on planning for the upcoming year. Dr. Steve Johnson, Superintendent, discussed the fact that Trey Thurman, our current representative on the Board of Directors, has reached the end of his term. The Board discussed acquiring names of interested parties, making a list of criteria for this position, and obtaining a letter of interest and personal qualifications from each candidate. Recommendations will be made at the November 19th Regular Board Meeting.
1. Planning for 2002-2003
Dr. Johnson discussed setting Priorities for the College Station School Board for the 2002-2003 school year. The goal is to have a total connection between the Board's priorities, the District's priorities and the campus priorities. The main focus of these priorities is how they articulate into services for kids. Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel presented the framework for developing priorities and the issues to consider when doing so. The Strategic Goals from previous years were discussed in terms of which goals are still priorities for College Station ISD. The objective is to come up with three to five priorities for the School Board that clearly establish a direction for the School District and to have priorities that establish a baseline to help other groups plan. The three suggested priorities from the Board were:
a. Community, staff and students actively communicate the districts strengths and challenges in an environment that promotes trust.
b. Provide a safe learning environment that encourages academic, social and emotional success for ALL students.
c. Resources are maximized in order to create highly successful students.
Dr. Johnson suggested that the Board revisit each priority and define what each one means at a later date.

2. Budget Reduction Planning
Dr. Johnson presented a plan to the Board for reducing the College Station ISD budget by $2.3 million for the 2002-2003 school year. Current Fund Balance is $5.9 million. School year 2001-2002 deficit is $1.54 million. Numerous ways for reducing expenses were listed as part of this plan including reassignment of numerous employees, reducing energy costs, purchasing a different style school bus, and changing the Health Benefits Structure. Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations, discussed the changes to the Health Benefits Structure as defined on the attached Benefit Plan Summary.
Retired to Executive Session at 8:16 pm.
1. Personnel Associated with Budget Reductions
Returned to Open Session at 9:11 pm.

MOTION 3299: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Larry Johnson and seconded by Mary Broussard. The motion carried with seven ayes.

Without objection, President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m.


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The College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in providing education services. Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel and Student Services, 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX 77840 (979-764-5412) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX.
Donna Adams, Director of Special Education, 1812 Welsh, Suite 120, College Station, TX 77480 (979 764-5433) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

College Station Independent School District
1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas 77840
(979) 764-5400