to Meeting Minutes
President Susan
Lowy called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
President Susan
Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster and Trustees
Tim Jones, Larry Johnson, Mary Broussard and Steve Aldrich were present.
CITIZENS (Non-Agenda Items)
Dan Bates, citizen,
addressed the Board regarding reviewing the policy concerning the Pledge
of Allegiance in the schools.
EMPLOYEES (Non-Agenda Items)
1. District Recognitions.
a. Teacher of the Year
President Lowy recognized Virginia Heilman, College Station Middle School
teacher as Region VI Secondary Teacher of the Year.
b. Administration
Dr. Steve Johnson introduced Adren Pilger, A&M Consolidated High School
Agricultural Science teacher who recognized Judy McLeod, Director of Career
Technology and Community Education as the Ag Teachers Association Outstanding
School Administrator.
Mr. Pilger also recognized Mr. Steve Vorenkamp, President of the A&M
Consolidated Young Farmers Chapter as the Outstanding New Young Farmers
Chapter in the State of Texas.
President Lowy recognized Kevin Harris, Director for Custodial Services
for becoming a Certified Texas School Business Specialist.
c. Campus Recognitions
President Lowy and Dr. Johnson presented lapel pins, flags and banners
to the following campuses:
South Knoll Elementary, TEA Recognized Campus;
College Hills Elementary, TEA Recognized Campus;
Pebble Creek Elementary, TEA recognized Campus;
College Station Middle School, TEA Recognized Campus; and
Oakwood Intermediate, TEA Exemplary Campus.
2. Committee Reports
a. Team Building Training Report
President Lowy reported that The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
training was presented to the Board by Terresa Katt and Greg McIntyre.
b. Consider Strategic Partnership Liaison Committee
President Lowy established a committee to discuss cooperating with Bryan
ISD to maximize resources for the students of both districts. Trustees
Larry Johnson, Steve Aldrich and Mary Broussard volunteered to be on the
Minutes: August
2, 2001 (Special), August 2, 2001 (Workshop), August 8, 2001 (Special),
August 20, 2001 (Special), August 20, 2001 (Public Hearing), August 20,
2001 (Regular Meeting); Curriculum and Instruction: Consider Approval
of 2001-2002 Alternative Accountability Proposal - Timber Academy; Business
Affairs: Monthly Financial Reports, Monthly Budget Amendments, Bids: a.
Library Books, b. Temporary Labor, Consider Approval of Investment Report,
Consider Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Instruction Related
to Investment Responsibilities.
MOTION 3287: I
move approval of the consent agenda with the exception of Item H5. The
motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion
carried with seven ayes.
2. Report on Special
Olympics Summer 2001
Laurie Anderson, Special Education teacher presented the Board with a
report on the CSISD students who participated in the Special Olympics
Texas 2001 State Summer Games in Arlington, Texas.
3. Report on Curriculum
Jane Rankin, Director for Curriculum, reported to the Board regarding
District Curriculum Mapping efforts. Ms. Rankin introduced the Curriculum
Coaches and Vicki Murphy, Curriculum Coach from College Hills Elementary
spoke about initial curriculum coach training. Ms. Rankin then introduced
Becky Burghardt, Curriculum Coach from Oakwood Intermediate, who spoke
about campus training for curriculum coaches. The Curriculum Coaches for
2001-2002 are:
Lynn Beason - A&M Consolidated Middle School
Nancy Boswell - Cypress Grove Intermediate School
Monica Bozeman - A&M Consolidated High School
Becky Burghardt - Oakwood Intermediate School
Judy Cummins - Pebble Creek Elementary School
Margie Donahue
- College Station Middle School
Stacy Konderla - Southwood Valley Elementary School
Lisa McAlpine - A&M Consolidated High School
Vicki Murphy - College Hills Elementary School
Paula Roddy - Rock Prairie Elementary School
Debbie Walker - A&M Consolidated High School
Becky Wilson - South Knoll Elementary School
4. Report on Rock
Prairie Elementary School Kindergarten Home Visit Pilot
Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel,
introduced Paula Roddy, kindergarten teacher at Rock Prairie who reported
on the Kindergarten Home Visit Pilot Program. Ms. Roddy introduced the
kindergarten teachers from Rock Prairie that are participating in the
Home Visit Pilot, including Grace Hinton, Martha Trotter, Bette Lynne,
Barbara Henry, and Laura Scroggins. Carrie Campbell and Susan Perez, Rock
Prairie parents spoke regarding the Home Visit Pilot Program.
5. Consider Approval
of Revised Board Policies
AE Local
BDA Local
BDAC Local
BE Local
BQA Local
BQB Local
CCA Local (Delete)
CDA Local
CH Local
CKC Local
CKE Local (Delete)
CMD Local
CNC Local (Delete)
CRA (Local) Delete
CRD Local
DAA Local
DBB Local
DEA (Local)
DEB (Legal) (Delete)
DED (Local)
DHC (Local)
DI Local
DI Exhibit
DME Local
DNA Exhibit
DPB (Local)
EB (Local) Delete
EC (Local) Delete
EEJB (Local)
EEJC (Local)
EFA (Local)
EFE (Local)
EHAA (Local)
EHBI (Local) Delete
EHDC (Local) Delete
EIC (Local)
EIE (Local)
EIG (Local)
EMA (Local) Delete
FB (Local)
FDD (Local)
FDF (Local) Delete
FFA (local) Delete
FFF (Local)
FL (Local)
FL (Exhibit)
FNCB (Local) Delete
FNCG (Local) Delete
FNCJ (Exhibit)
FNF (Local)
FO (Local)
FOAC (Local)
FOD (Local) Delete
GBBA (Local) Delete
GKA (Local)
GKB (Local)
GKC (Local)
GNC (Local)
President Susan Lowy pulled this item from the consent agenda for further
consideration. The Board will revisit this item at a future meeting.
6. Report on District
Effectiveness and Compliance Visit
Mr. Coulson reported that the purpose of the District Effectiveness and
Compliance Visit by the Texas Education Agency last November was to review
how the District spends the state and federal dollars and to review the
District's decision making processes. College Station ISD was found to
be in compliance with all state and federal requirements.
5. Consider Approval
of Issuing Tax Anticipation Notes (TANS) Through Texas Association of
School Boards
Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations, discussed
the issuance of $4,000,000 in tax anticipation notes to be repaid prior
to the end of the current fiscal year. Mr. Ball introduced Wade Thompson,
Department Director for Financial Services with TASB who explained the
issuance process to the Board and answered questions from board members.
Mr. Ball asked for approval of the Resolution to Authorize the Issuance
of Tax Anticipation Notes.
MOTION 3288: I
move approval of the resolution. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich
and seconded by Tim Jones. The motion carried with seven ayes.
1. TASA/TASB Convention
President Lowy announced the upcoming TASA/TASB Convention in Dallas,
and reminded everyone about the Chapter 41 Election on September 22, 2001.
MOTION 3289: I
move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich and
seconded by Marc Chaloupka. The motion carried with seven ayes.
Without objection,
President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
to Meeting Minutes