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School Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
January 22, 2002
7:00 p.m.

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President Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.


President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster and Trustees Tim Jones, Larry Johnson, Mary Broussard and Steve Aldrich were present.


1. Students
a. CompTIA IT Merit Award

President Lowy recognized David Major, A&M Consolidated High School student for receiving this award.

b. TMEA All State Orchestra

President Lowy recognized Laurel MacKenzie, Matt Berthold, and Felix Huang, A&M Consolidated High School students for being selected to the TMEA All-State Orchestra.

c. All-State Mixed Choir

President Lowy recognized Michael Lane, A&M Consolidated High School student for being selected to the All-State Mixed Choir.

2. Administration
a. Steve Chaney

President Lowy recognized Steve Chaney for becoming a Certified Texas School Business Specialist specializing in maintenance and operations.

3. Board Appreciation Month

Ann Ganter, Director for Public Relations and Education Foundation recognized the Board for their contributions to the District. The Trustees were each presented with a basket containing gifts from each school. Dr. Johnson announced that there would be a reception following the meeting for the Board.






Board: Consider Approval of Moving March Board Meeting Date to March 25, 2002; Minutes: November 19, 2001(Workshop), November 19, 2001 (Regular), December 17, 2001 (Public Hearing), December 17, 2001 (Workshop), December 17, 2001 (Regular); Curriculum and Instruction: Consider Approval of Building Use Request from Community Church of Bryan/College Station; Personnel: Consider Approval of Employments: a. New Hires to the District, Consider Approval of Resignations/Retirements; Business Affairs: Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports, Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendments, Consider Approval of Bids: a. HVAC Condensors/Air Handling Equipment, b. Printer Cartridges.

President Lowy pulled Agenda Item I1, Consider Approval of Revised Board Policies - TASB Update 67 and Item I2, Consider Approval of Revised Policy FNCE (Local) from the consent agenda.

MOTION 3317: I move approval of the consent agenda with the exception of Items I1 and I2. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich and seconded by Marc Chaloupka. The motion carried with seven ayes.

President Lowy moved Agenda Item K4, Report on Potential Refunding of Bonded Indebtedness next on the agenda.


4. Report on Potential Refunding of Bonded Indebtedness

Mr. Steve Elliott, Southwest Securities reported to the Board regarding refunding of the 1992 - 1993 bonds. The proposed net savings is $1.2 million dollars with a savings ratio of 6.07 percent. The Board will hold a special meeting on February 26, 2002 at 12:30 p.m. to finalize this process.


1. Committee Reports (DEIC, PAC, Facilities, Foundation, BISD/CSISD Liaison, City Liaison, TIF, Superintendent Evaluation)

Steve Aldrich reported regarding the January Foundation meeting. Mr. Aldrich reported that on January 15, 2002 the Greater Texas Foundation gave the Education Foundation $200,000 and that the Annual No Golf-Golf Fundraiser was scheduled for April 12, 2002.

2. Consider Joining the Texas School Coalition

Dr. Johnson discussed the options for joining the Texas School Coalition of Chapter 41 districts. There are three options for joining the Coalition, joining as a member, joining as a litigation member or not joining. The Board discussed their options and concerns regarding this matter.

MOTION 3318: I move that we follow the recommendation of our superintendent and not join the Texas School Coalition at this time. The motion was made by Larry Johnson and seconded by Tim Jones. The motion carried with five ayes and two nays (Lowy, Foster).


1. Consider Approval of Revised Board Policies - TASB Update 67

This item was pulled from the consent agenda by President Lowy. The Board wants to amend Policy FFAC (Local) to include the language "when properly labeled and in the original container" under the section Provided by Parent, Item Number 3.

MOTION 3319: With the change that has been noted, I move approval of TASB Update 67. The motion was made by Tim Jones and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes.

2. Consider Approval of Revised Policy FNCE (Local)

This item was pulled from the consent agenda by President Lowy. The Board wants to amend Policy FNCE (Local) to include the language "Electronic communication devices, including but not limited to" at the beginning of this policy.

MOTION 3320: I move that we approve FNCE (Local) with the stated changes. The motion was made by Larry Johnson and seconded by Steve Aldrich. The motion carried with seven ayes.

3. Consider Approval of Establishing a Public Hearing Date for the Development of the 2002 - 2003 School Calendar

Dr. Johnson addressed the Board regarding the calendar recommendation process. The preferred calendar for the 2002 - 03 school year has a start date that is earlier than August 21st, therefore the District would like to apply for a school start date waiver in accordance with Senate Bill 108. The administration is asking the Board to set a hearing date for the school start date waiver not to adopt a calendar.

MOTION 3321: I recommend that the College Station Independent School District School Board set a public hearing date of February 18, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. to receive feedback from the public regarding the proposed starting date of August 14, 2002 for the 2002 - 2003 school calendar. The motion was made by Steve Aldrich and seconded by Marc Chaloupka. The motion carried with seven ayes.

4. Report on Bilingual Education

Linda Ray, Director for Program Development, Compliance and Grants reported to the Board regarding the Bilingual Education Program. Beginning in the 2002 - 2003 school year the District is required to offer a Bilingual Education Program to all kindergarten students who qualify. The three goals of the CSISD Dual Language Bilingual program are: promoting literacy and fluency in English and Spanish, fostering high academic success and self-confidence for students while valuing and supporting a child's first language and culture, and educating and supporting parental involvement in the dual language philosophy. The District's program will be held at South Knoll Elementary. The District is implementing a 50/50 program, which provides for English instruction in music, art, physical education and computers and Spanish instruction in math, social studies and science.


1. Board Reception

Dr. Johnson announced that the Board Recognition reception will be held after the meeting before the Board adjourns into executive session.


President Lowy announced that in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code, the Board of Trustees will go into executive session. The Board of Trustees went into executive session at 8:35 p.m.

1. Superintendent's Formative Evaluation


The Board returned to open session at 10:06 p.m.


MOTION 3322: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes.

Without objection, President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 10:07 p.m.


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The College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in providing education services. Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel and Student Services, 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX 77840 (979-764-5412) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX.
Donna Adams, Director of Special Education, 1812 Welsh, Suite 120, College Station, TX 77480 (979 764-5433) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

College Station Independent School District
1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas 77840
(979) 764-5400