School Board Meeting Minutes Regular
Meeting |
A. CALL TO ORDER President Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. B. DECLARATION OF QUORUM President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster and Trustees Tim Jones, Larry Johnson, Mary Broussard and Steve Aldrich were present. C. DISTRICT RECOGNITIONS 1. Teacher - Kristen Jones President Lowy recognized Kristen Jones, A&M Consolidated High School science teacher for receiving the American Chemistry Council's 2002 Responsible Care Catalyst Award. 2. 7 Habits Facilitators President Lowy recognized the 7 Habits Facilitators and Terresa Katt for their work in helping the District in this initiative. Terresa Katt, Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development introduced the following facilitators: Marsha Anderson, Gayle Brakefield, Becky Burghardt, Lisa Burns, David Cain, Cindy Gordon, Chrissy Hester, Donna Hill, Karin Horn, Sharon Jackson, Starlet Licona, Greg McIntyre, Judy McLeod, Janet Quiram, Cari Horn and Mark Torres. D. HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda Items) H.K. Pitts spoke regarding the District naming a school after a World War II veteran or local hero. E. HEARING OF EMPLOYEES (Non-Agenda Items) None. F. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes: January
15, 2002 (Special), January 22, 2002 (Workshop), January 22, 2002 (Regular);
Personnel: Consider Approval of Contracts for Administrators, Consider
Approval of Resignations/Retirements; Business Affairs: Consider Approval
of Monthly President Lowy corrected the amount for Item K2 - Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendments to reflect $27,706. MOTION 3325: I move approval of the consent agenda. The motion was made by Larry Johnson and seconded by Marc Chaloupka. The motion carried with six ayes. Trustee Dayne Foster did not vote. G. BOARD 1. Committee Reports (DEIC, PAC, Facilities, Foundation, BISD/CSISD Liaison, City Liaison, TIF, Superintendent Evaluation) President Lowy reported regarding the February DEIC meeting. This committee is reviewing the District Improvement Plan. Steve Aldrich reported regarding the February Foundation meeting. The Foundation is undergoing a strategic planning process currently. Grant workshops are being held on February 26 - 27 and grant applications are due on March 28th. The No-Golf Golf Tournament is being held on April 12th. Larry Johnson reported regarding the BISD/CSISD Liaison committee. The superintendents for both districts are developing focused agendas for this group and the next meeting will be in April. Marc Chaloupka reported regarding the Wolf Pen Hotel TIF which was dissolved in January. President Lowy reported regarding the Superintendent Evaluation which is currently underway. The summative evaluation will be taking place in early March. I. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 1. Report on Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Update Clark Ealy, Director
for Program Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, reported regarding
the transition from TAAS to TAKS. The TAKS tests will begin in 2003 and
several significant changes from the TAAS have been made. Specific changes
will be exit level test required for graduation in eleventh grade in language
arts, math, science and social students plus third grade students will
have to pass the reading section of the TAKS to be promoted to fourth
grade. The State Board of Education is in the process of studying the
new tests and receiving L. ELECTION ITEMS 2. Consider Approval of Joint Resolution for May 4, 2002 Election Shannon Sanders, Election Coordinator, discussed the Joint Resolution for the May 4, 2002 election. The City of College Station and the District split the costs for the election. MOTION 3326: I move to approve the Joint Resolution. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Steve Aldrich. The motion carried with seven ayes. 3. Receive Report on School Board Continuing Education Shannon Sanders presented a report on the Board continuing education requirements. President Susan Lowy received 3 hours in Tier I training, 6 hours in Tier II and 14.25 hours in Tier III training for a total of 23.25 hours. Vice President Marc Chaloupka received 7 hours in Tier I, 6 hours in Tier II and 25 hours in Tier III for a total of 38 hours. Secretary Dayne Foster received 3 hours in Tier I, 6 hours in Tier II and 13.5 hours in Tier III for a total of 22.5 hours. Trustee Tim Jones received 7 hours in Tier I , 6 hours in Tier II and 11.5 hours in Tier III for a total of 24.5 hours. Trustee Larry Johnson received 2 hours in Tier I, 6 hours in Tier II, and 11.75 hours in Tier III for a total of 18.5 hours. Trustee Steve Aldrich received 3 hours in Tier I, 6 hours in Tier II and 9 hours in Tier III for a total of 18 hours. Trustee Mary Broussard received 3 hours in Tier I, 6 hours in Tier II and 17.5 hours in Tier III for a total of 26.5 hours. The Board has completed all of the Continuing Education requirements for this year. M. BOARD DIRECTIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUPERINTENDENT REPORTS Dr. Steve Johnson announced the TASB Grassroots legislative meeting was being held on February 21st in Huntsville. N. EXECUTIVE SESSION None O. OPEN SESSION
Without objection, President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
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College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on
the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or handicap
in providing education services. Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel
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