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School Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
April 15, 2002
7:00 p.m.

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President Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster and Trustees Tim Jones, Mary Broussard, Larry Johnson and Steve Aldrich were present. Trustee Larry Johnson left at 7:30 p.m.


1. Students
a. Duke Talent Search National Recognition
(Scored 600 or better on the Math Portion and 590 or better on the Verbal portion of the SAT as a 7th Grader)

A&M Consolidated Middle School
Kathleen Li
Colin MacDonald

College Station Middle School
Brian Liu

2. Teachers
a. UIL Academic Coaches

Betty Barrett - Computer Applications
Jamie Bassett - Calculator Applications, Number Sense, Mathematics
Lisa Birth - Speech and Debate Events
Linda Ferris - Spelling and Vocabulary
Kathy Fisher - Accounting
Sharmaine Jennings - Calculator Applications, Number Sense, Mathematics
Debbie Lange - Current Issues and Events
Lisa McAlpine - Science
Dianne Rister - Computer Science
Judy Sanders - Ready Writing
Heidi Sauer - Journalism Events
Courtney Wellmann - Journalism Events
Charlotte Wiggins - Science
Randy Williamson - UIL One Act Play

3. Administration
a. Texas Successful School Awards

A&M Consolidated High School $3000.00
A&M Consolidated Middle School $ 685.00
College Station Middle School $ 852.00
Oakwood Intermediate School $ 738.00
Southwood Valley Elementary School $ 739.00


Dan Bates reported that in 1999 the Texas Senate proclaimed April as Confederate History and Heritage Month.

Rani Hauth, representing Texas A&M University MSC Wiley Lecture Series discussed the mainstream program for this year: Target Americans - Your Safety Abroad. The discussion will be what the United States policy is for Americans who are kidnapped and held hostage abroad.




Board: Consider Approval of Education Foundation grants in the amount of $25,671.25; Approval of Minutes: March 25, 2002 (Workshop), March 25, 2002 (Regular) Curriculum and Instruction: Consider Approval of the CSISD Long Range Technology Plan, Consider Approval of Revisions to Building use policy - GKD (Local) and of New Building Use Fee Structure; Personnel: Consider Approval of Resignations/Retirements; Business Affairs: Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports, Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendments, Consider Approval of Bids and Quotes: Quotes for computer equipment, Bids for security Alarm Systems; Election Items: Consider Approval of Appointment of Election Officials, Consider Approval of Contract with Texas Voting Systems, Inc.

MOTION 3337: I move approval of the consent agenda as presented. The motion was made by Tim Jones and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes.


1. Committee Reports (DEIC, PAC, Facilities, Foundation, BISD/CSISD Liaison, City Liaison, TIF, Superintendent Evaluation)

Tim Jones reported regarding the April PAC meeting. This committee is finalizing the development of a Plan of Operation. Also, they will be forming a committee this year that will be referred to as a budget committee as opposed to a salary committee and will have interaction with the Board during the budget process.

Steve Aldrich reported regarding the April Foundation meeting. The No-Golf Golf Tournament was held on April 12th and was very successful.

Steve Aldrich reported regarding the BISD/CSISD Liaison Committee meeting. The Committee met and discussed the need to meet with both Boards and the ability to draft some joint resolutions with reference to public school finance.

Marc Chaloupka reported that he and Steve Aldrich attended the TASB Legislative Advisory Council Meeting on April 13, 2002. The Council is charged with putting together some issues that state school boards across the state will be advocating for.

President Lowy reported that the Superintendent Evaluation process is complete.


2. Consider Approval of Revisions to Policy DPB (Local).

Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel and Student Services, reported on revising Policy DPB (Local). The current policy requires a person to hold a college degree to qualify for substitute teaching. Proposed revisions to Policy DPB (LOCAL) would require an applicant to meet one of the following conditions for substitute teaching: (a) 90 college credit hours completed if currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program or (b) hold a four year college degree.

MOTION 3338: I move the approval of policy DPB (LOCAL) as presented. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Steve Aldrich. The motion carried with seven ayes.

4. Consider Authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations under Option 4 of Chapter 41

The voters of College Station ISD have authorized the Board of School Trustees to utilize either of two methods to equalize wealth in accordance with Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code. Those two options are as follows: To purchase attendance credits from the State (Option 3) and to Partner with another Texas School District (Option 4). Upon approval by the College Station ISD Board of
School Trustees to begin negotiations with a potential partner district, our expectation would be that CSISD administrators would negotiate the terms of an Option 4 contract with a partner district, including a time deadline. That negotiated contract would then be presented to the Board of School Trustees of the partner district for approval. Upon receipt of the approval of the partner district's Board, the contract would then be presented to the CSISD Board of School Trustees. If no approved contract were received by the negotiated deadline, CSISD would have time to pursue an Option 3 agreement with the State.

MOTION 3339: I move approval of the recommendation as presented. The motion was made by Tim Jones and seconded by Marc Chaloupka. The motion carried with six ayes.


Susan Lowy reminded all those present of the May 4th Election and encouraged everyone to vote.

End of Year Celebrations set for Sunday, May 19th at the High School, 2-4 p.m.

May Board Meeting to High School Lecture Hall

Calendar Waiver, which was approved by Board of Trustees by 6-0 vote with 1 absent, was forwarded to TEA for approval. TEA has 30 days to respond and CSISD has been notified that it is waiting on the signature of the new Commissioner.

Beth French was introduced as the new Executive Assistant for the Superintendent. Shannon Sanders will be leaving later in May and joining her husband in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is the new Running Backs Coach at the University of Tulsa.

Steve Aldrich offered thanks to CSPS and the Brazos County NAACP, City-wide PTO, and the College Station Education Foundation for sponsoring the "Getting ready for Robinhood Chapter 41 School Finance Forum" Also, thanks to Jane Connelly, Dean of the College of Education and the CSISD Administration for their attendance and participation in the forum.




MOTION 3340: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Dayne Foster. The motion carried with six ayes.

Without objection, President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.


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The College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in providing education services. Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel and Student Services, 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX 77840 (979-764-5412) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX.
Donna Adams, Director of Special Education, 1812 Welsh, Suite 120, College Station, TX 77480 (979 764-5433) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

College Station Independent School District
1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas 77840
(979) 764-5400