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School Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
August 19, 2002

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President Susan Lowy called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m.


President Susan Lowy, Vice President Marc Chaloupka, Secretary Dayne Foster and Trustees Tim Jones, Mary Broussard, Larry Johnson and Steve Aldrich were present.


Debbie Robertson, Social Studies teacher at A&M Consolidated High School, was recognized as she has just graduated from the National Geographic Society Education Foundation's first Geography Mentor Institute. She was selected to attend this institute because of her proven commitment to excellence in the teaching of geography and social studies, as evidenced by her involvement with the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education and the recommendation of her peers. Having completed the training delivered through the Geography Mentor Institute, Debbie is now considered an NGS Teacher Consultant who has the support and endorsement of the National Geographic Society.

D. HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)


E. HEARING OF EMPLOYEES (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items)



Approval of Minutes; Curriculum and Instruction: Consider Approval of accepting TIF grant in the amount of $25,000; Personnel: Consider Approval of the 2002-03 Professional Development Appraisal System Calendar, Consider Approval of Resignations/Retirements, Consider Approval of Employments; Business Affairs: Consider Approval of Bids: Custodial Supplies, Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Reports, Consider Approval of Building Use Agreement with Brazos Valley Junior Volleyball Association

Mike Ball pulled Agenda Item K-7 Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendments from the Consent Agenda.

MOTION 3383: I move approval of the consent agenda with the exception of Agenda Item K-7. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Tim Jones. The motion carried with seven ayes.


G-1. Committee Reports (DEIC, PAC, Facilities, Foundation, BISD/CSISD Liaison, City Liaison, TIF, Superintendent Evaluation, Legislative Advisory)

Marc Chaloupka reported that the TIF committee had met earlier in the day. The budget had been discussed as well as projects that the TIF committee will be focussing on this coming year.

Steve Aldrich reported that he attended the Governance Conference in Arlington on July 19-20, 2002 in regard to the Legislative Advisory Committee. Funding seems to dominate the agenda statewide.


I-1 (a). Report on Elementary Summer School 2002

Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction and Personnel, introduced Dawn Hogan, Principal for Elementary Accelerated Summer School 2002, who presented a brief overview of the basic summer school program and background information. Elementary teachers Maggie James, Amy Schverak, and Kelli Pittsford presented data which shows that Summer School 2002 helped move the school district forward in its effort to help all students be successful. Dr. Hogan and the Elementary Accelerated Summer School Staff have provided students in CSISD a great opportunity for success via this summer program.

From June 3 - June 28, CSISD Elementary Accelerated Summer School focused its efforts to help students in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade improve their reading and mathematics skills. Based on academic need, students from all five elementary schools were identified, and summer school teachers worked on specific skills with each child. Assessments taken at the end of summer school showed significant increases for most students.

I-1 (b). Report on Middle School and High School Summer School 2002

Eddie Coulson introduced Rick Hill, Principal at Cypress Grove Intermediate School, who served as Summer School Principal for the Middle School and High School aged students. Middle School and High School Summer School classes were held at A&M Consolidated High School from June 3 - June 28. The high school classes were for credit so that students could make up a credit that they had failed during the course of the year, or so they could accelerate earning credits. The middle school classes offered were computer literacy and keyboarding. By offering these two middle school courses, 7th and 8th graders can be enrolled in foreign language, music and athletics during the regular school year.

Mr. Hill pointed out some highlights of the 2002 Summer School.

*Six Seniors finished their coursework to graduate
*Communication Applications was offered for the second year
*Evening times offered for students unable to attend mornings
*Content Mastery room with 2 Special Education teachers operated to
serve SAILS/504/SPED students

Mr. Hill and the summer school staff have offered CSISD secondary students a great opportunity for remediation and/or advancement during the 2002 summer.

I-2. Overview of Summer Professional Development

Terresa Katt, Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development, presented a brief report on the summer professional development offerings for summer 2002. Professional development sessions were offered this summer on an on-going basis for CSISD district employees. Sessions offered included: (1) topics required by the state, (2) specialty area trainings, (3) content specific areas, (4) leadership trainings, and (5) a wide range of technology based trainings. These sessions were connected to the district focus of the four I's of CSISD. Sessions were designed to continue to provide support to district staff toward continuous improvement as individuals, in instruction, and for continued growth of the institution. Sessions were communicated through the on-line professional development management system instituted in CSISD in April of 2002.

I-3 New Teacher Induction Report

Terresa Katt presented a brief report on the New Teacher Induction Institute that was held August 5-8, 2002 for teachers new to CSISD. College Station Independent School District facilitated the third annual New Teacher Induction Institute to begin the 2002-2003 school year for seventy-seven (77) teachers new to CSISD. The four-day Institute focused on the Essential Elements of Instruction, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and ROPES training. A luncheon at the Pebble Creek Country Club sponsored by First American Bank on day four of the Institute highlighted the strong community connections and support experienced by CSISD.


K-2. Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations, pulled Item K-2 from the agenda in order to amend the agenda. By law the budget must be approved prior to approving the tax rate. The budget was inadvertently left off the posted agenda, however, the budget was presented and discussed in the earlier workshop, the public hearing has been held, and the budget and tax rate will be posted for the 8/27/02 meeting.

K-3 Consider Authorization of Administration to negotiate Tax Anticipation Note Rates with TASB.

Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations, presented information regarding Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes. Because of our new status as a Chapter 41 district, we will no longer receive a significant portion of State funding during the fall months. This lack of cash flow during those months has created the necessity to borrow money in order to meet our cash flow needs during the late fall. The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) has a program to assist districts with this process. The vehicle used for borrowing for short-term needs is called a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note. We are proposing to issue $4,000,000 in short-term debt that will be repaid before August 31, 2003. Those funds will enable us to meet our cash flow needs during the fall. It appears now that this will be an annual need as we continue in our Chapter 41 status.

It is the recommendation of the administration that the College Station ISD Board of Trustees consider authorizing the Superintendent of Schools or his designee to negotiate with the Texas Association of School Boards for issuance of $4,000,000 in Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes.

MOTION 3384: I move that we authorize the Superintendent of Schools or his designee to negotiate with the Texas Association of School Boards for issuance of $4,000,000 in Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes. The motion was made by Tim Jones and seconded by Larry Johnson. The motion carried with seven ayes.

K-4. Consider Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with The Texas Transportation Institute

The Texas Transportation Institute and the Texas Department of Transportation are seeking to work with all governmental entities in this region to implement the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. The Texas Department of Transportation is requesting all governmental entities in this region to sign the attached Memorandum Of Understanding. The MOU requires no funding commitment at this time.

Mike Ball recommended that the College Station ISD Board of Trustees consider approval of the Memorandum Of Understanding with the Texas Department of Transportation and various other governmental entities as listed therein. It is further recommended that Michael Ball be identified as the contact representative for purposes of that Memorandum Of Understanding.

MOTION 3385: I move that we approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Department of Transportation and various other governmental entities as listed therein and that Michael Ball be identified as the contact representative for purposes of the Memorandum of Understanding. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Dayne Foster. The motion passed with seven ayes.

K-7. Consider Approval of Monthly Budget Amendments

Mike Ball presented a revised report indicating the Monthly Budget Amendments.

MOTION 3386: I move approval of the Revised Monthly Budget Amendments as presented. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Mary Broussard. The motion carried with seven ayes.


Dr. Johnson reflected on the Convocation for the 2002-03 school year at Rudder Auditorium.


President Lowy announced that in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code, the Board of Trustees will go into executive session. The Board of Trustees went into executive session at 8:50 p.m.


The Board returned to open session at 9:15 p.m.


MOTION 3387: I move to adjourn the meeting. The motion was made by Marc Chaloupka and seconded by Mary Broussard. The motion carried with seven ayes.

Without objection, President Lowy adjourned the meeting at 9:16 p.m.


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The College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in providing education services. Greg McIntyre, Director for Personnel and Student Services, 1812 Welsh, College Station, TX 77840 (979-764-5412) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX.
Donna Adams, Director of Special Education, 1812 Welsh, Suite 120, College Station, TX 77480 (979 764-5433) has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

College Station Independent School District
1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas 77840
(979) 764-5400