May 17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Grace Bible Church – Southwood Campus        



President Randall Pitcock called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum was present with seven members present.



In attendance were President Randall Pitcock, Vice President Valerie Jochen, Secretary Paul Dorsett, Trustees Charlotte Slack, Garland Watson, Carol Barrett and Jeff Harris. 



C-1.  Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence

Superintendent Eddie Coulson recognized AMC High School students Celina Malave, and Kyle Campbell.  The students led the audience in the pledges and the moment of silence.


C-2.  Board

a.  Trustees

Trustee Charlotte Slack was presented with a placque and words of appreciation from her colleagues and superintendent, as she leaves the board and community.  She and her husband, Doug, are relocating to Austin.


Trustee Slack expressed that it has been an honor and a blessing to serve CSISD.  Her motto is:  leave a place better than when you found it.


C-3.  Staff

a.  Auxiliary Employee of the Year Nominees

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker recognized Auxiliary Employee of the Year nominees:


Martha Martinez representing Child Nutrition Services;

Jose Rivera representing Custodial/AMC High School;

Maria Banda representing Custodial/Central;

Melvin Moore representing Grounds Maintenance;

Thomas Kelly representing Operations;

Robert Ford representing Warehouse;

James Paldo representing Transportation;

Tracy Bishop representing Technology


2010 Auxiliary Employee of the year, John Tohkubbi, announced the 2011 College Station ISD Auxiliary Employee of the Year…Robert Ford, Warehouse Courier.


b.  Paraprofessional Employee of the Year Nominees

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker recognized Paraprofessional Employee of the Year Nominees:


Marcia Canto representing Southwood Valley Elementary;

Leanne Dyson representing South Knoll Elementary;

Diana Kelly representing Forest Ridge Elementary;

Monette Ellerbrock representing Rock Prairie Elementary;

Jeanna Knott representing College Hills Elementary;

Mary Jane Petty representing Creek View Elementary;

Gail Burleson representing Pebble Creek Elementary;

Elizabeth “Lisa” Bowden representing Oakwood Intermediate;

Jan DeCoste representing Cypress Grove Intermediate;

Jonna Todaro representing AMC Middle School;

Sandy Sherrod representing CS Middle School;

Mary Neal representing AMC High School;

Beth Hoover representing AMC High School;

Mauri Slaughter representing Alternative Learning Center


Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker announced the 2011 Paraprofessional Employee of the Year…Mary Jane Petty, Creek View Elementary.


C-4.  Teachers

a.  Elementary Teacher of the Year Nominees

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker recognized the Elementary Teacher of the Year Nominees:


Laura Given representing College Hills Elementary;

Becky Bohne representing Pebble Creek Elementary;

Lisa Brister representing Rock Prairie Elementary;

Kim Taylor representing South Knoll Elementary;

Jen Colkin representing Southwood Valley Elementary;

Christy Rhodes representing Forest Ridge Elementary;

Rebekah McCallay representing Creek View Elementary;

Scott Ireland representing Oakwood Intermediate.


2010 Elementary Teacher of the Year Kathy Askins announced the 2011 Elementary Teacher of the Year…Becky Bohne, Pebble Creek Elementary.


b.  Secondary Teacher of the Year Nominees

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker recognized Secondary Teacher of the Year nominees:


Helen Carstens representing AMC High School;

Stoney Pryor representing AMC High School;

Karen Steele representing Alternative Education Programs;

Barbara Landreneau representing AMC Middle School;

Kevin Chapman representing CS Middle School;

Kelli Boriskie representing Cypress Grove Intermediate School.


Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker announced the 2011 Secondary Teacher of the Year…Helen Carstens, AMC High School.


C-5.  Retirees

Deputy Superintendent Glynn Walker recognized CSISD Retirees:


Brenda Erving, Custodial; Barbara M. Hernandez, Transportation Department; Lois T. Coleman, Custodial Department; Ocie L. Manley, Barbara Bush Parent Center; Cynthia A. Lopez, Oakwood Intermediate; Juanita L. Rodriguez, College Hills Elementary; Morrisa A. Langdon, AMC Middle School; Raymond A. Watson, CS Middle School; Deborah R. Furry, Southwood Valley Elementary; Susan A. Broesche, Rock Prairie Elementary; Barbara Stout, Southwood Valley Elementary; Maureen Haggerty, South Knoll Elementary; Liz Jacobson, AMC Middle School; Kristen Jones, AMC High School; Linda Ferris, AMC High School; and Richard G. Hill, Cypress Grove Intermediate.


The Board took a 10-minute break at 7:45 p.m. for photos and cake.  The Board reconvened at 7:55 p.m.



D-1.  Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/

Superintendent Reports and Announcements


Trustee Carol Barrett announced that the Chamber will be having a Spring Show to celebrate 100 years.


Trustee Charlotte Slack commented on the District Art Show.


Superintendent Eddie Coulson reminded the audience of the Timber Academy Graduation scheduled for 5/26/11 and AMC High School Graduation scheduled for 5/27/11.



Maggie Charleton, Chair of Brazos Valley Democratic Party, addressed the board related to HB111 and SB100 which relates to board elections and school vouchers.



Agenda Item E – BOARD:   Agenda Item E-2:  Consideration, discussion and possible action related to the Superintendent Evaluation; Agenda Item H – APPROVAL OF MINUTES – April 19, 2011 Workshop Minutes, April 19, 2011 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; Agenda Item J – PERSONNEL:  Agenda ItemJ-1:  Consider approval of Resignations; Agenda Item K - BUSINESS:   Agenda Item K-1:  Consider approval of authorized check signers for CSISD accounts; Agenda Item K-2:  Consider approval of Library Book purchases for Greens Prairie Elementary School in the mount of $108,072.03; Agenda Item K-3:  Consider approval of Literacy Library purchase for Greens Prairie Elementary School in the amount of $57,498.16; Agenda Item K-4:  Consider approval to award Bids for Milk & Dairy Products to Oak Farms Dairy for the estimated amount of $419,635.28; Agenda Item K-5:  Consider approval of Monthly Budget Amendments; Agenda Item K-6:  Consider approval of Monthly Financial Reports;


MOTION XXXX:  I move approval of the Consent Agenda, as presented.  The motion was made by Vice President Valerie Jochen and seconded by Secretary Paul Dorsett.  The motion passed with six ayes and zero nos.  Trustee Charlotte Slack abstained. 















M-1.  The Board will meet in executive session to discuss the Safety Audit.  The executive session deliberations will be held pursuant to the “Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits; Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code

The Board moved into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m.



The Board returned to Open Session at 8:48 p.m.  No action was taken.



Without objection, President Pitcock adjourned the meeting at 8:52 p.m.




RANDALL PITCOCK                                              PAUL DORSETT

PRESIDENT                                                             SECRETARY