Success...each life...each day...each hour College Station Independent School District
College Station Independent School District
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2015
Board Room
A. |
CALL TO ORDER President Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. |
B. |
DECLARATION OF QUORUM/WELCOME A quorum was declared with seven members present. In attendance were President Valerie Jochen, Vice-President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris and Trustees Carol Barrett, Michael Wesson, Quinn Williams and Michael Schaefer. |
C. |
C-1. |
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence a. College Station Middle School i. Natalie Lancaster ii. Alexysea Merchant iii. Katherine Miller |
C-2. |
Staff NFHS Texas Girls Cross Country Coach of the Year a. Josh Munson – CSHS Students All-State Band a. Paige Hooks - CSHS b. Eric Eaks - CSHS Band Director All-State Choir a. Clarissa Parulian - CSHS b. Micaiah Rodgers - AMCHS c. Randy Westmoreland - AMCHS d. Travis Angel - AMCHS Choir Director e. Kearbey Etheridge - CSHS Choir Director 5A State Congressional Debate Champ a. Karna Venkatraj - AMCHS b. Roy Rodriguez - AMCHS Debate Coach All-State Orchestra a. Hannah Chang - AMCHS b. Eugene Tian - CSHS c. Woodrow Wang - CSHS d. James Wu - AMCHS e. Jason Hooper - CSHS Orchestra Director f. Jane McCormick - AMCHS Orchestra Director |
C-3. |
Recognize artwork provided by College Hills Elementary, Greens Prairie Elementary and College Station Middle School |
D. |
CONSENT AGENDA Agenda items G, H-2, I-1, I-2, J-4, J-5, J-6 and J-7 were placed on the Consent Agenda. MOTION 4526: I move approval of the Consent Agenda. Motion was made by Trustee Michael Wesson. Trustee Quinn Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried with seven ayes and zero nos. |
E. |
E-1. |
Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/ Superintendent Reports and Announcements
Board · CSISD Education Foundation o Trustee Carol Barrett recognized this year’s 50 Men Who Can Cook event which set records for attendance, silent auction sales and net money raised with $178,500.00 while having only $23,000 worth of expenses. Scholarships applications will be available on Friday. Apply online for scholarships at · District Educational Improvement Council o Secretary Jeff Harris attended the DEIC meeting, the details of which we will hear later on the agenda. · Audit Committee · Head Start Policy Council o Trustee Michael Schaefer attended the policy council meeting where they discussed the new play group spaces, overview of budget and the Federal review coming in March. It is very impressive to see the amount of work they put in. · Intergovernmental Relations Liaison o Trustee Michael Schaefer stated they did not meet officially but did go to Austin and met with legislators earlier in the month. · Personnel Advisory Council Liaison o Trustee Carol Barrett reviewed the PAC meeting and the new recommendations for an increase in pay for substitutes who are required to have at least 60 college hours. · School Health Education Council · Upcoming Events
Superintendent ● Upcoming events ● Announcements o Special thanks to all involved in 50 Men and a huge thanks to Teresa Benden and the entire Education Foundation for all of the hard work put in to making this year’s event a huge success. o In the Legislature, bills are being filed at a furious pace at this point and committee meetings have begun. The Superintendent’s Student Cabinet will be attending the Legislature in March. o We are so excited about what is happening at College View High School. There is a great deal going on with construction, instructional design, colors and mascot, planning, etc. o There will be a Joint Meeting with The City at the College Station Utilities Training Center at 1603 Graham Road on February 24th at 5:00 pm. |
E-2. |
Consider approval of a Charter for the 2015 Planning for Growth Committee Superintendent Ealy reviewed the proposed Charter for the 2015 Planning for Growth Committee and recommended approval of said Charter. MOTION 4527: I move approval of the Charter for the 2015 Planning for Growth Committee. The motion was made by Trustee Michael Schaefer and was seconded by Trustee Michael Wesson. The motion carried with seven ayes and zero nos. |
E-3. |
Consider approval of 2015 Planning for Growth Committee members Dr. Ealy reviewed the list of recommended members for the 2015 Planning for Growth Committee. MOTION 4528: I move approval of the 2015 Planning for Growth Committee as presented. The motion was made by Trustee Michael Schaefer and seconded by Trustee Quinn Williams. The motion carried with seven ayes and zero nos. |
E-4. |
Consider approval of colors and mascot for College View High School Dr. Margie Martinez, Principal of College View High
School reviewed the process used by students to determine the mascot and
colors. Dr. Martinez recommends that
the Board adopt the recommendation for Timber Wolves as the mascot and baby
blue, silver, and black as the colors for College View High School. MOTION 4529: I move approval of the mascot and colors as presented. The motion was made by Trustee Michael Wesson and seconded by Vice-President Paul Dorsett. The motion carried with seven ayes and zero nos. |
F. |
HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items) · Mr. Leroy Thomas spoke to the Board in regard to the bus by-passing their neighborhood in the area of Tarrow and Lincoln streets causing students in that neighborhood to walk a considerable distance in an unsafe intersection to catch the bus.
· Mrs. Virgie Thomas addressed the Board related to the disregard by the CSISD Transportation Department for the safety of the students catching the bus in the neighborhood around Tarrow and Lincoln streets. |
G. |
√ |
MINUTES ● January 20, 2015 Board Workshop Minutes |
H. |
H-1. |
Consider approval of 2015-16 District Goals and Objectives Greg McIntyre, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, presented the Goals and Objectives for the 2015-2016 school year and detailed how they better reflect the vision and work of the District. MOTION 4530: I move approval
of the 2015-16 Goals and Objectives.
The motion was made by Secretary Jeff Harris and was seconded by
Trustee Michael Wesson. The motion
carried with seven ayes and zero nos. |
H-2. |
√ |
Consider approval Fine Arts Instructional Materials Selection Committee K-6 and 7-12 |
I. |
I-1. |
√ |
Consider approval of class size waiver for South Knoll Elementary School. |
I-2. |
√ |
Consider approval of administrator contracts |
J. |
J-1. |
Consider approval of purchase of one hundred HP EliteBook 840 Laptop Computers from Avinext for $83,800 paid from 2013 Bond Funds. Glynn Walker, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations recommended the purchase of one hundred HP Elitebook 840 Laptop Computers from Avinext in the amount of $83,800 paid from Bond Funds.
MOTION 4531: I move approval of the purchase of one hundred laptop computers as presented. The motion was made by Trustee Michael Wesson and seconded by Vice-President Paul Dorsett. The motion passed with six ayes, zero nos and one abstention from Secretary Jeff Harris. |
J-2 |
discussion and possible action to terminate the current Financial Advisory
Contract with Southwest Securities, Inc. (commonly known as Southwest
Securities / SWS group). Deputy Superintendent Walker recommended that CSISD
terminate the current contract with Southwest Securities, Inc. due to the
numerous changes since their approval in November of 2014. MOTION 4532: I move the termination of the contract with
Southwest Securities Inc. The motion
was made by Trustee Michael Wesson and seconded by Trustee Carol Barrett. The
motion passed with six ayes, zero nos and one abstention from Secretary Jeff
Harris. |
J-3. |
discussion and possible action to select Frost Bank of Cullen/Frost Bankers,
Inc. as the provider of financial advisor services for the district. Deputy Superintendent Walker recommended approval to
enter an agreement with Frost Bank of Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. as the
provider of financial advisor services for the district. MOTION 4533: I move approval to enter an agreement with
Frost Bank as the provider of financial services for the district. The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett
and was seconded by Trustee Quinn Williams. The motion passed with six
ayes, zero nos and one abstention from Secretary Jeff Harris. |
J-4. |
√ |
Consider approval of purchase of playground equipment for Spring Creek Elementary School from Total Recreation Products for the amount of $83,320.69 paid from 2013 Bond Funds. |
J-5. |
√ |
Consider approval of monthly Head Start financial statements and credit card expenditures. |
J-6. |
√ |
Consider approval of monthly budget amendments. |
J-7. |
√ |
Consider approval of financial reports. ● Reports |
K. |
K-1. |
Receive report on CSISD Safety and Security Jon Hall, Executive Director for Facilities, gave a report to the Board of Trustees in regard to safety and security for CSISD along with Emergency Operations. |
K-2. |
Consider approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), the total project budget, authorization for the Superintendent or his designee to execute necessary documents associated therewith, and the authorization to proceed with the work associated with the A&M Consolidated High School renovations. Executive Director Hall presented the GMP for
renovations to AMCHS athletics area.
The proposed total project budget is $4,696,421. MOTION 4534: I move approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), the total project budget, authorization for the Superintendent or his designee to execute necessary documents associated therewith, and the authorization to proceed with the work associated with the A&M Consolidated High School renovations. The motion was made by Vice President Paul Dorsett and seconded by Secretary Jeff Harris. The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos. |
K-3. |
Consideration, discussion and possible action related to naming VLK Architects for the design of intermediate school #3, to work with the planning for growth committee, and to complete any additional design work for projects arising from a future bond election. Mr. Hall recommended that CSISD contract with VLK for
upcoming construction projects. MOTION 4535: I move approval of naming VLK Architects for the design of intermediate school #3, to work with the planning for growth committee, and to complete any additional design work for projects arising from a future bond election. The motion was made by Trustee Quinn Williams and
seconded by Vice President Paul Dorsett. The motion passed with seven ayes
and zero nos. |
L. |
L-1. |
The Board will meet in executive session to discuss the Superintendent Quarterly Review. The executive session deliberations will be held pursuant to the “Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code. President Valerie Jochen adjourned to Executive Session at 8:06 pm. |
M. |
OPEN SESSION President Valerie reconvened in open session at 9:46 p.m. |
N. |
ADJOURNMENT Without objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the meeting at 9:47 p.m. |
Valerie Jochen
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to go into executive session in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code to discuss any item(s) it is authorized to discuss in executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Any necessary Board action related to such item(s) will be taken in open session following executive session.
Summary Notes have been placed beneath each Consent Agenda item for clarification purposes. Individual Board Members review each Agenda Item at least 72 hours prior to the actual Board Meeting.