March 19, 2003
College Station
Independent School District
Goal 1: Academic Success for All Students
Objective 1: The district will use technology as an instructional and management tool.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
1.1.1 |
The district will provide technology training that emphasizes the integration of technology into instruction as aligned with the Long Range Technology Plan. |
Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development; Technology Facilitators |
$4,000 Title II |
Throughout the 03-04 School Year |
Teacher Lesson Plans, Curriculum Maps, Technology Training Provided, Curriculum Maps |
1.1.2 |
The district will expand the use of the Pinnacle software to second through fourth grade as aligned with the Long Range Technology Plan. |
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel |
$2,000 Training |
By January 2004 |
2nd-4th grade teachers reporting grades on-line; Maintain the Long Range Technology Plan |
1.1.3 |
Curriculum Maps will be available for review on-line. |
Director for Curriculum; Lead Technology Facilitator |
$7,500 |
By May 2004 |
Curriculum Maps will be available for online access. |
Objective 2: At least 90% of all students and all student groups will pass the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) in 2004
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
1.2.1 |
The district will evaluate student achievement in the following programs: Title I, Bilingual/ESL, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, Career and Technology Education, Dyslexia and State Compensatory Education. |
Director of Program Evaluation, Accountability and Assessment |
None |
By October 2003 |
Programs evaluated and analyzed. Data from program evaluations used to develop the 04-05 DIP |
1.2.2 |
The district will provide support for students at risk of dropping out of school. |
Director for Program Development, Compliance and Grants; Campus Principals |
$801,319 State Comp Ed funds 25.5 FTE |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Leaver rate remains below 1%. At-risk students test scores monitored. 90% of at-risk students pass the state mandated assessments, the percentage of students exiting SCE is greater than 02-03 |
Objective 3: The district will provide higher education and career/technology education preparation and awareness for all students.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
1.3.1 |
The district will provide information regarding curriculum choices that prepare students for success beyond high school. |
Director of Career/Technology and Community Education |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 School Year |
Campus Counseling and Guidance Plans; Counseling Transition Plans, CATE Handbook, Counselor Handbook, Course Selection Guides |
1.3.2 |
The district will provide information regarding financial aid opportunities, including the TEXAS Grant program and the Teach for Texas grant program. |
Director of Career/Technology and Community Education |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 School Year |
Campus Counseling and Guidance Plans; College Nights, Transition Plan, Region VI GEAR UP program |
Goal 2: Educational Opportunities Will Meet The Unique Needs Of All Students
Objective 1: Students taking advanced courses will be representative of the CSISD student population.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
2.1.1 |
Fifth through eleventh grade African American, Hispanic and economically disadvantaged students will be identified, encouraged and counseled to participate in advanced courses. |
Principals; Teachers; Counselors |
Staff Time |
Fall 2003 |
List of students identified who are candidates for advanced courses. Identified students enrolled in advanced courses |
2.1.2 |
Parents of African American, Hispanic and economically disadvantaged students identified as candidates for advanced courses will be personally contacted. |
Principals; Counselors; Teachers |
Staff Time |
Fall 2003 |
Parents contacted |
2.1.3 |
Professional development will be provided to all instructional staff related to differentiated instruction. |
Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development |
$5,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Staff Development Calendar, training provided |
2.1.4 |
K-4 economically disadvantaged students who show potential for taking advanced classes will be identified to attend math, language arts and science enrichment summer school courses. |
Principals; Teachers; Counselors |
$5,000 |
Spring 2004; Summer 2004 |
Students identified, number of students who attend enrichment summer school increases |
2.1.5 |
The district will initiate a coordinated effort among CSISD, Texas A&M University and the City of College Station to bring more minority staff members to the district. |
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel |
$1,000 |
2003-04 School Year |
Group established. Plans established and initiated. Recruiting efforts begin. |
Objective 2: Students identified as Gifted and Talented will be representative of the CSISD student population.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
2.2.1 |
Analyze all Gifted and Talented identification and nomination criteria. |
Enrichment Specialists; Director for Curriculum |
Staff Time |
Fall 2003 |
Identification procedures reviewed and changed if deemed necessary |
2.2.2 |
Teachers will receive training that will help them identify gifted and talented students. |
Enrichment Specialists |
$1,500 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Training provided |
2.23 |
Collect data regarding the number of students participating in organized enrichment activities in K-6. |
Director for Curriculum; Enrichment Specialists |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Data analyzed and recommendations for adjustments made |
Objective 3: Interventions for all students will be provided prior to making a referral for special education testing.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
2.3.1 |
The district will develop a consistent set of practices and procedures for campus SAILS teams to follow. |
Director of Career/Technology and Community Education; Director for Special Services, 504 and Dyslexia |
Staff Time |
Fall 2003 |
SAILS Manual developed and implemented, Special education referrals decreased |
2.3.2 |
The CSISD Continuous Action Plan will identify and implement strategies to be used prior to making a referral for special education services. |
Director for Special Services, 504 and Dyslexia |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 School Year |
Special ed referrals decreased, instructional strategies implemented |
Objective 4: The overall number of students participating in school-sponsored activities will increase.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
2.4.1 |
Extra-curricular and co-curricular activity sponsors will actively recruit students to participate. |
Activity Sponsors; Principals |
Staff Time; $1,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Recruitment at all levels occurs, recruiting schedules implemented |
2.4.2 |
Teachers and activity sponsors at all levels will encourage/counsel students to participate in extra-curricular and/or co-curricular activities. |
Activity Sponsors; Principals |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Greater percentage of students enrolled in co-curricular or extra- curricular activities |
Goal 3: Educational Practices Will Be Predicated On Scientifically Based Research
Objective 1: On-going professional development related to varied teaching strategies will be provided.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
3.1.1 |
Staff development will be provided at all schools in the Essential Elements of Instruction. |
Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development |
$5,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Staff development calendar; Training provided |
3.1.2 |
Staff development will be provided for appropriate staff members in addressing needs identified in the Comprehensive Analysis Process (CAP). |
Director for Special Services, 504 and Dyslexia; Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development |
$2,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Staff development provided |
3.1.3 |
Staff Development for all teachers will be provided in the area of dyslexia. |
Director for Special Services, 504 and Dyslexia |
$1,500 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Training provided |
3.1.4 |
Staff development for all ESL/Bilingual certified teachers will be provided. |
Director for Program Development, Compliance and Grants |
$7,600 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Training provided; Improved reading scores for LEP students |
Objective 2: Curriculum will be aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in all content areas.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
3.2.1 |
Teachers and campus administrators will use available curriculum maps to identify gaps and redundancies in the teaching of the TEKS. |
Principals; Director for Curriculum |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Curriculum Councils and teacher groups identify gaps and redundancies |
3.2.2 |
Content Area Leadership Teams will identify appropriate content for each grade level in math, science, social studies and writing. |
Assistant to the Superintendent for Staff Development; Director for Program Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability; Director for Curriculum; Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel |
$3,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Subject area products produced that emphasize vertical and horizontal alignment |
3.2.3 |
Vertical teams of teachers will begin meeting to discuss alignment of curriculum across grade levels. |
Director for Curriculum |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Vertical alignment meetings held; Curriculum Maps |
Goal 4: Parents And Community Members Will Be Actively Engaged
Objective 1: Parental involvement will be representative of the CSISD student population.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
4.1.1 |
The district will recruit African American and Hispanic parent leaders within CSISD for participation in our schools. |
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Identified leaders actively participate in CSISD schools |
4.1.2 |
Campus and District Improvement committees will be representative of district demographics. |
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-4 school year |
Committee membership analyzed by district and campus |
Objective 2: Training and resources will be provided to enhance family support for students life-long success.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
4.2.1 |
The Barbara Bush Parent Center will provide training to parents that will enable the parents to support their childrens school success. |
Director for HeadStart and Pre-Kindergarten |
$2,000 |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Schedules, Training provided |
4.2.2 |
The district will provide parent training in the areas of reading, math, writing, social studies and/or science. |
Campus Principals |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Training provided |
Objective 3: Parents will be informed of career and higher education opportunities for their children.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
4.3.1 |
All schools will provide information and resources to parents of all students about higher education admissions and financial aid opportunities. |
Director for Career/Technology and Community Education |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Campus Counseling and Guidance Plans; Counselor Agendas Transition Plans |
4.3.2 |
All schools will provide information to parents regarding the need for students to make informed curriculum choices to ensure success beyond high school. |
Director for Career/Technology and Community Education |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Campus Counseling and Guidance Plans, Transition Plans |
4.3.3 |
The secondary schools will provide information to parents about career and technology courses. |
Director for Career/Technology and Community Education |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Campus Counseling and Guidance Plans; CATE Agendas, CATE Handbook, Transition Plans |
Goal 5: A Safe And Supportive Environment Will Be Provided For All Students
Objective 1: Each campus will comply with the District Crisis Management Plan.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
5.1.1 |
Each CSISD campus will review and change its Campus Crisis Management Plan as needed. |
Campus Principals, Deputy Superintendent for Business and Operations |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Crisis Management Plans updated |
Objective 2: Procedures for management of student behavior will be consistent across the district.
Activity |
Person Responsible |
Resource/Cost |
Time Frame |
Evaluation |
5.2.1 |
The district will review data at the end of year based on types of offenses, intervention, gender and ethnicity in the following areas: Number of suspensions, Reasons for suspensions, Number of discipline referrals, Number of expulsions, Reasons for expulsions, Number of placements at Venture Center, Number of placements in the LEAP program and Number of physical restraints. The expectation is that each of these numbers will continue to decrease. |
Director for Program Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability |
Staff Time |
September 1, 2003 |
District discipline referrals decrease from the 02-03 school year |
5.2.2 |
The CSISD Student Code of Conduct will specifically address the Code of Conduct violation of bullying. |
Director for Personnel and Student Services |
Staff Time |
August 13, 2003 |
Code of Conducted updated |
5.2.3 |
CSISD will be consistent in applying disciplinary consequences at all school levels. |
Director for Personnel and Student Services |
Staff Time |
Throughout the 03-04 school year |
Discipline reported in a consistent manner |
CSISD 2003-2004 District Improvement Plan
Executive Summary
The College Station Independent School District has charged its District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) with adopting goals and objectives for the CSISD 03-04 District Improvement Plan. In order to adopt the goals and objectives of the plan, DEIC considered the following:
Based on the above information, DEIC recommended that the CSISD School Board adopt the following goals for the 03-04 school year:
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has required all school districts in the nation to adopt goals and objective in line with the United States Department of Education (USDE). Performance goals for all districts under the USDE are:
Also, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) has adopted goals that each district must align with. These goals are:
The five USDE Performance Goals and the four goals adopted by the SBOE have been incorporated into CSISDs goals and objectives of the District Improvement Plan. Specifically, goal one in CSISDs District Improvement Plan calls for the academic success for all students in the areas tested by the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills: English/language arts, math, science and social students. Goal five of the CSISD plan calls for all students to be taught in a safe and supportive learning environment. The CSISD District Plan specifically states that CSISD teachers will receive staff development in order to better meet the needs of its English as a Second Language students, and the plan states that the district will provide support for those students at risk of dropping out of school. CSISD has a history of employing and retaining highly qualified teachers, and the 03-04 District Improvement Plan calls for more training, based on scientifically based research, for the staff in the
areas of differentiated instruction and the alignment of our curriculum. These efforts will help us to maintain the highly qualified staff we have, while recruiting new staff that are highly qualified.
The CSISD District Improvement Plan, the USDEs Performance Goals, and the SBOEs Goals align to provide academic success, in a supportive and safe environment, for CSISD students.