To: Dr. Steve Johnson, Superintendent
From: Eddie Coulson, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction/Personnel
Date: April 8, 2003
Subject: Head Start Monitoring Visit
Agenda Item: I-1
Board Priority/ A, B, C 1, 2, 3, 4
District Goal:
During the week of March 3-7 the CSISD Head Start Program received a comprehensive federal monitoring visit. The visit, done once every three years, brought monitors from all over the United States to review the CSISD Head Start Program. After the review, the team found zero citations within the program.
The monitoring team concluded that the CSISD Head Start Program is in excellent shape, and, in fact, called the CSISD Program an example of how all Head Start programs should function.
It is recommended that the CSISD Board of Trustees receive a report about the Head Start Monitoring Visit from Sharon Jackson, Director of Pre-Kindergarten and Head Start.