To: Dr. Steve Johnson, Superintendent
From: Clark Ealy, Director of Program Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability
Date: April 8, 2003
Subject: 3rd Grade TAKS Reading Performance March 4, 2003
Agenda Item:
Board Priority/ A 1
District Goal:
Third grade students took the Reading section of the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test on March 4, 2003. Third grade students must pass the Reading section of the TAKS in order to be promoted to the fourth grade. March 4th was the first opportunity to take the test. Students who did not pass the March 4th test or who were absent will have two more opportunities to take the test: April 30 and June 26, 2003.
It is recommended that the CSISD school board receive a report regarding CSISD student performance on the 3rd grade TAKS reading test