Success...each life...each day...each
hour College Station Independent School District
TO: Board of Trustees
FROM: Mike Nugent, Board President
DATE: September 16, 2021
SUBJECT: Board of Trustees Meeting
There will be a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independent School District on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the CSISD Board Room, CSISD Central Administration, 1812 Welsh, College Station, Texas.
This meeting will be available to the public via live stream video. The public may access this meeting via live stream at the following -- LINK:
The following items are on the agenda:
A. |
B. |
C. |
C-1. |
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of Silence ● John Carruth - River Bend Elementary ● Caleb Cruickshanks - River Bend Elementary ● Cassandra Lopez - Southwood Valley ● KeMarcus Simmons - Southwood Valley |
C-2. |
Recognize artwork provided by Southwood Valley Elementary and Cypress Grove Intermediate |
D. |
E. |
E-1. |
Board Directions and Reports/Announcements/ Superintendent Reports and Announcements Board ● CSISD Education Foundation ● District Educational Improvement Council ● Audit Committee ● Head Start Policy Council ● Intergovernmental Relations Liaison ● Personnel Advisory Council Liaison ● School Health Advisory Council ● Employee Health Care Committee ● Upcoming Events
Superintendent ● Update ● Upcoming events |
E-2. |
√ |
Consider approval of an Amended Order of Election authorizing a general election to be held on November 2, 2021, for the purpose of electing CSISD Board of Trustees Place 1, and Place 2 by the qualified voters of the College Station ISD; establishing early voting locations and vote centers for this election; and making provisions for conducting the election. *Considerar la aprobación
de una orden modificado
de elección que autoriza
una elección general que se llevará
a cabo el 2 de noviembre
del 2021, con el fin de elegir
a la posición 1 y 2 del consejo
directivo de CSISD por los votantes
calificados del Distrito Escolar Independiente de
College Station; Establecer sitios de votación adelantada y los centros de voto para esta elección; Tomar medidas para llevar a cabo la elección. |
F. |
HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items) ● Comments related to agenda items for this meeting will be heard during consideration of the item later in the meeting ● All comments not related to an agenda item at this meeting will be heard at this time |
G. |
√ |
MINUTES ● August 17, 2021 Workshop Minutes |
H. |
H-1. |
Receive a report on CSISD Career
Technical Education (CTE) |
H-2. |
Consideration, discussion and possible action on the annual Birth to Five
Head Start Self-Assessment Report |
H-3. |
Consideration, discussion
and possible action to charter a committee for the purpose of evaluating
board policy EIC (Local) regarding Academic Achievement & Class Rank ●
CSISD EIC (Local) Academic
Achievement & Class Rank Committee Charter |
H-4. |
√ |
Consider approval of 2021-22 Campus Improvement Plans ○ A&M Consolidated High School ○ A&M Consolidated Middle School ○ College Station Middle School |
H-5. |
√ |
Consideration, discussion
and possible action on a 7th grade Assessment Waiver for the 2021-22 school
year |
I. |
I-1 |
√ |
Consideration, discussion
and possible action regarding certified appraisers who can appraise a teacher
in place of the teacher’s supervisor during the 2021-22 school year |
J. |
J-1. |
Consider approval of a purchase of software
licenses for Education Galaxy and LiftOff from
Education Galaxy LLC. for three years in the amount of $119,737.50 per BuyBoard Contract #579-19 utilizing ESSER III funds. |
J-2. |
Consider approval of a purchase of software
licenses for Study Island from Edmentum for three years in the amount of
$110,198.95 per BuyBoard Contract # 573-18
utilizing ESSER III funds. |
J-3. |
√ |
Consider approval of the renewal of a 3-year
subscription of the Edgenuity Software at an annual
amount of $70,920 per the BuyBoard
Contract #573-18 using
Instructional Materials Allotment Funds. |
J-4. |
√ |
Consider approval of the renewal of Microsoft
Education Desktop Package with Enterprise Client Access Licenses from SoftwareOne in the amount of $68,990.40 per Department of Information
Resources (DIR) contract #DIR-TSO-4061 using Instructional Materials Allotment Funds. |
J-5. |
√ |
Consider authorizing the
Superintendent to renew the Student Accident/Athletic & Catastrophic
Insurance, (RFP) #20-005, to Greater East Texas Insurance Associates for the
2021-22 school year in the amount of $85,935 with the option to extend for
one additional year. |
J-6. |
√ |
Receive the Quarterly Investment Report for the period ending August 31, 2021. |
J-7. |
√ |
Consider approval of the Purchasing Cooperative Fees Report for 2020-21 and renewals for 2021-22. ● Shafer Memo/Purchasing Cooperative Fees and Renewals |
J-8. |
Consider approval of monthly Head Start financial statements and credit card expenditures. |
J-9. |
√ |
Consider approval of monthly budget amendments. |
J-10. |
√ |
Consider approval of financial reports. |
K. |
K-1. |
Consider approval of a
resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs of projects with
bond proceeds. |
L. |
L-1. |
Consideration and discussion related to the
superintendent evaluation. The executive session deliberations will be held
pursuant to the “Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting” exception to the Texas
Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas Government
Code |
M. |
N. |
Mike Nugent
If, during the course of the
meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed
meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas
Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, chapter 551, subchapters D and E or
Texas Government Code section 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is
convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections
of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or
decisions will be taken in open meeting. [See TASB Policy BEC(LEGAL)]
This notice was posted in compliance with the Texas
Open Meetings Act.
Summary Notes
have been placed beneath each Consent Agenda item for clarification
purposes. Individual Board Members
review each Agenda Item at least 72 hours prior to the actual Board Meeting.