College Station Independent School
Regular School Board Meeting Minutes
August 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
CSISD Board Room
A. |
Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 7:00
pm. |
B. |
seven Board Members were present: President Valerie Jochen, Vice
President Paul Dorsett, Secretary Jeff Harris and Trustees Kimberly McAdams,
Carol Barrett, Michael Wesson and Quinn Williams, |
C. |
C-1. |
of Allegiance to the American Flag and the Texas Flag, and a Moment of
Silence Cinco
and Emma Deegear, children of Kellie Deegear, Principal at Cypress Grove Intermediate, led the
audience in the pledges and a moment of silence. |
C-2. |
Employees Texas State
Comptroller’s Leadership Circle “Platinum
Award for Financial Transparency” The College
Station ISD business office was one of only eighty-nine districts in the
State to receive the Platinum Award for
Financial Transparency by the Texas State Comptroller’s Leadership
Circle. |
C-3. |
artwork provided by Elementary Enrichment Students This
month’s artwork by the students of the Elementary Enrichment Summer School
program was displayed on the walls of the Board Room and admired by all. |
D. |
CONSENT AGENDA Agenda Item G: Approval of Minutes:
June 17,
2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, June 23,
2014 Board Workshop Minutes, July 15,
2014 Board Workshop Minutes July 15,
2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes; Agenda Item
H3: Consider approval of Code of Conduct for 2014-15 School
Year; Agenda
Item H4: Consider approval of Board Policies EIC (Local) and EIF
(Local); Agenda
Item I1: Consider approval of new administrator contracts as
recommended by Superintendent of Schools:
Karen Ferguson, Director for Career and Technology Education; Agenda
Item J4: Consider approval
of the 2014 tax roll for College Station ISD as submitted by the Brazos
Central Appraisal District; Agenda Item J5: Consider award of Request for Bids #14-011 Plumbing Labor to Ed
Phillips Plumbing and Brazos Valley Sewer and Drain Service;
Item J6: Consider award of Request for Bids #14-010 Electrician
Labor to BCA Electric and Sadler Electric; Agenda
Item J7: Consider award of Request for Bids #14-013 Civil Labor
to Palomares Construction; Agenda
Item J8: Consider award of Request for Bids
#14-0031 Fuel Bid to Brenco Marketing for an estimated yearly total of
$568,570.00; Agenda Item J9: Consider
approval of the Resolution authorizing the Interlocal
Agreement with Texas A&M University for the procurement of goods and
services; Agenda
Item J10: Consider approval of the Resolution authorizing the Interlocal Agreement with Texas A&M University for
the procurement of goods and services; Agenda
Item J11: Consider approval of changes to CSISD authorized
representatives for First Public - Lone Star Investment Pool; Agenda
Item J12: Consider approval of monthly Head Start financial
statements and credit card expenditures; Agenda
Item J13: Consider approval of monthly budget amendments; Agenda
Item J14: Consider approval of financial reports; Agenda
Item K2: Consider approval of America's Nationwide Netting, Inc.
bid of $72,000 for the CSHS Baseball Backstop Improvement project to be paid
from 2009 bond savings. MOTION 4502:
I move approval of the consent agenda as presented. The motion was made by Trustee Michael
Wesson and seconded by Secretary Jeff Harris.
The motion passed with seven ayes and zero nos. |
E. |
E-1. |
Directions and Reports/Announcements/ Superintendent Reports and
Announcements Board ●
CSISD Education Foundation ●
District Educational Improvement Council ●
Audit ●
Head Start Policy Council ●
Intergovernmental Relations Liaison ●
Personnel Advisory Council Liaison ●
School Health Education Council ●
Upcoming Events Superintendent ●
Upcoming events - Superintendent Clark Ealy reviewed the
activities that currently underway.
Classes begin August 25th.
The BB&T sponsored, and Pebble Creek Country Club hosted, the New
Teacher University Luncheon. There
will be three public forums on rezoning: September 2nd, September
4th, and September 10th. ●
Recognitions - Dr. Ealy then recognized Monica James, the
new Director for Human Resources, Karen Ferguson, the new Director for Career
and Technology Education, and Beth French, Executive Assistant to the
Superintendent, who is retiring on August 31st, after twenty-four
years in CSISD. |
F. |
HEARING OF CITIZENS (Non-Agenda/Agenda Items) There
were no public comments. |
G. |
√ |
17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes ●
23, 2014 Board Workshop Minutes |
H. |
H-1. |
2014 Preliminary STAAR and STAAR End of Course Results
H-2. |
report on 2014 CSISD Community Based Accountability System
H-3. |
√ |
approval of Code of Conduct for 2014-15 School Year |
H-4. |
√ |
approval of Board Policies EIC (Local) and EIF (Local) |
I. |
I-1. |
√ |
approval of new administrator contracts as recommended by Superintendent of
Schools ●
Karen Ferguson, Director for Career and Technology
Education |
J. |
J-1. |
approval of school district budget for fiscal year beginning September 1,
2014 and ending August 31, 2015.
MOTION 4503: I move
approval of the 2014-2015 budget as presented in the workshop and
hearing. The motion was made by
Vice-President Paul Dorsett. The
motion was seconded by Trustee Michael Wesson. The motion passed with seven ayes and zero
nos. |
J-2. |
approval of ordinance adopting tax rate for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
MOTION 4504: I move to adopt the proposed ordinance as
attached in the memo. The motion was
made by Secretary Jeff Harris. The
motion was seconded by Trustee Michael Wesson. The motion passed with seven ayes and zero
nos. |
J-3. |
Consider approval
of purchase of 480 Lenovo ThinkPad Netbooks from Avinext,
per the existing Department of Information Resources Contract, for the amount
of $263,520.00 purchased from 2013 bond program funds
MOTION 4505: I
move approval of the purchase of ThinkPad Netbooks as presented. The motion was made by Vice-President Paul
Dorsett. The motion was seconded by
Trustee Kimberly McAdams. The motion
passed with six ayes and zero nos.
Secretary Jeff Harris abstained from voting. |
J-4. |
√ |
Consider approval of the 2014 tax roll
for College Station ISD as submitted by the Brazos Central Appraisal District. |
J-5. |
√ |
Consider award of Request for Bids
#14-011 Plumbing Labor to Ed Phillips Plumbing and Brazos Valley Sewer and
Drain Service. |
J-6. |
√ |
award of Request for Bids #14-010 Electrician Labor to BCA Electric and
Sadler Electric. |
J-7. |
√ |
award of Request for Bids #14-013 Civil Labor to Palomares
Construction. |
J-8. |
√ |
award of Request for Bids #14-0031 Fuel Bid to Brenco
Marketing for an estimated
yearly total of $568,570.00. |
J-9. |
√ |
approval of the Resolution authorizing the Interlocal
Agreement with Texas A&M University for the procurement of goods and
services. |
J-10. |
√ |
approval of Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for the TexPool Investment Services. |
J-11. |
√ |
approval of changes to CSISD authorized representatives for First Public -
Lone Star Investment Pool. |
J-12. |
√ |
approval of monthly Head Start financial statements and credit card
expenditures. |
J-13. |
√ |
approval of monthly budget amendments. |
J-14. |
√ |
approval of financial reports. |
K. |
K-1. |
Receive recommendation from Rezoning
Committee for new elementary attendance zones to take effect for the 2015-16
school year ·
Superintendent Clark Ealy reviewed the 2013 bond issue as it applies
to building elementary school number nine – Spring Creek Elementary. As a result of building a new elementary
school, the elementary zones need to be adjusted. Dr. Ealy then reviewed the work of the
Board and the rezoning committee prior to the recommendation of the proposed
zones to take effect for the 2015-2016 school year. The district will gather feedback on the
proposed zones at the public forums. |
K-2. |
√ |
approval of America's Nationwide Netting, Inc. bid of $72,000 for the CSHS
Baseball Backstop Improvement project to be paid from 2009 bond savings |
L. |
L-1. |
discussion and possible action related to the superintendent evaluation. The executive session deliberations will be
held pursuant to the “Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting” exception to the
Texas Open Meetings Act as set forth in Section 551.074 of the Texas
Government Code. The
Board moved into Executive Session at 8:20 pm to discuss the Superintendent
Evaluation Instrument. |
M. |
Valerie Jochen called the meeting to order at 8:40
pm. MOTION 4506: I move approval of the Superintendent
Evaluation Instrument as presented.
The motion was made by Vice-President Paul Dorsett. The motion was seconded by Secretary Jeff
Harris. The motion passed with seven
ayes and zero nos. |
N. |
objection, President Valerie Jochen adjourned the
meeting at 8:45 pm. |
Valerie Jochen
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to go into executive
session in accordance with Section 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas
Government Code to discuss any item(s) it is authorized to discuss in executive
session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Any necessary Board action related to such
item(s) will be taken in open session following executive session.
Summary Notes have been placed
beneath each Consent Agenda item for clarification purposes. Individual Board Members review each Agenda
Item at least 72 hours prior to the actual Board Meeting.